News — SmallSpaceLiving

Small Space Clothing Storage in Cold Climate Regions


Tags SmallSpaceLiving

Small Space Clothing Storage in Cold Climate Regions

Small homes/apartments located in regions with colder climates face their own unique storage challenges. When one sweater or jacket requires as much room as a small stack of summer clothing, or when a single pair of boots are all you can fit by the front door, space suddenly becomes that much more challenging to find, create and/or maintain.  And, as storage space gets eaten up, spare inches intended for relaxation, work or play are often infringed upon, just when you need them most while spending more time indoors. I have rented several small apartments (with no outdoor space) in regions...

Sharing One Compact Closet as a Family


Tags Family, SmallSpaceLiving

Sharing One Compact Closet as a Family

You know those pin-worthy closet tours that showcase neatly stacked piles of pants, rows of shoes and handbags arranged in artful lines, well-lit full length mirrors, and mid-room island dressers filled with drawers of diverse accessories? This is most certainly not one of those tours.  Instead, this is an honest look at how we make a small closet (which was once a nursery) work for 2 adults, 1 preschooler, a collection of books, and A LOT of dog hair.  Clearly I’m no fashion blogger. I usually feel such joy and satisfaction when arranging a space, but for some reason I’ve...