Aries Yearly Forecast 2020
Reach higher Open the door to new connections Love has a plan that can’t be rushed
It’s all abut your public image, your status, title, your career, recognition and how you are seen by the world at large as 2020 begins, Aries. As you are the sign of action, be ready to take just that as there are opportunities at large for you. Especially between January and March. It’s also going to be about owning your actions. Whether these are in the past or the present. And in doing this, see how your choices have resulted in where you are today. Making this connection will allow you to make the most of the future determining opportunities on offer for you. Simply by seeing that choice is what sets your future in motion.
Even if you are not currently in paid work or are studying, this reputation defining process still applies. You can be affected by changes in your partnership status or via your partner’s choices for instance. How you are seen by the world at large and how you deal with people ‘at the top’ still applies. Who is holding doors open for you? Who is hindering you or asking for an accountability? It’s all connected to those past choices. And as January begins, it’s also going to be about how powerful you feel when taking the initiative to make new ones.
Old dynamics fall away to make room for new ones. Shifts in hierarchies and who holds or wields the power are a likely result which will affect all of us. But especially you as the super conjunction in Capricorn and your 10th on the 12th and 13th of January. This does not just affect those at the top. But those of us in the middle or even at the bottom of the pile as Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and Ceres and then the Sun all meet. Act with soul and integrity now. Jupiter also in here but outside this extremely rare aspect, promises a bigger opportunity to ‘move on up’ if we reach for a better, higher solution to get where we want to go. That solution will stretch you and also give you the chance to show the world you’re the right stuff – in every sense of the word! This is no longer about just ambition. But aligning your soul with what you want to achieve now.
It’s not just what you know – but who
A new world order is coming as a result of this. Possibly around power sharing as opposed to power hoarding by just the 1%. You’re feeling part of something bigger and a new connectedness. Your goals may shift along with this. And new and important connections can be made. Existing ones get locked in for the future. Those that have served their time and purpose will begin to fall away. What I want you to remember in 2020 and on into 2021, is that friendship has no age limit. Influential friends, friends where there is an age difference between you – I am talking about plus or minus at least seven years or more, or friends rich in experience – all hold the keys to your future path as Saturn arrives in your 11th for the first time in 30 years, on March 22.
This is just after the Sun arrives in your 1st and just before your new Moon in here on the 24th. Take every opportunity you can to connect and meet people. Suspend ideas around what friendship is – or can be. This also applies to work and professional connections. Extend you network in any way you can. Understand you will be judged by the company you keep now so choose your companions wisely as well as the places you hang out. Ruler Mars will meet Saturn on March 31st giving you the confidence to make that new approach or actively seek out new social groups, clubs, associations and experiences. You need people around you who share your passion. Fake friends? You’ll exercise unerring judgement in spotting them.
Time for love?
Understand that love may take time or have its own schedule in 2020. Despite your signature impatience, one of your main lessons to embrace this year is you can’t hurry love. One new connection that appears this year has the potential to become far more than just a friendship. But it will not only take its own time to emerge but also know it is going to be up to you at the end of the day whether it heads in this direction or remains a friendship. However, know the potential is there. Again, this may involve someone older or younger than you by quite a bit. Love also has no age limit and operates on its own schedule.
This especially applies during the two rare retrograde phases you are going to experience this year. Venus will retrograde in your 3rd from May 13 until June 25. I should not need to tell you that with the ruler of your love life going backwards, this is not a good time to embark on a new love affair. Unless ‘it’s complicated’ situations, reversals and limbo love affairs make your heart beat faster! It is however a good time to say what needs to be said that you may have been putting off around love. Or revive a past one. As Venus also rules your money and bank account, please try not to enter into new financial agreements now. And keep an eye on your spending.
Many of you may feel someone pressed the ‘pause’ button on your love life as potential partnerships get put on hold. Or you may feel you are going over old ground on an existing one. This is why love has its own timing now. Yes, it may take its own time. But it has the potential to go the distance.
Look Before You Leap!
Your ruler Mars will also make a rare retrograde in your 1st from September 10th 2020 until November 14th. You may feel passion is lacking, be mired in inertia and uncertain about what to do. Take this opportunity to go back over the themes which you were dealing with at the start of the year. Where you made that connection between your actions and the results they achieved for you. It’s not about whether or not you got what you wanted. It’s the learning curve that counts! So, before you take any action during this retro cycle, step back and think about any and every possible result that could arise from it. And if in doubt at all – wait and do nothing.
This is all about self-discipline and self-control – no matter if others are pushing your buttons. Change your reaction and you step free of the situation and back into your power. This is what your ruler retrograde wants to teach you. This will especially apply around the start of October when the full Moon in your 1st highlights someone ‘opposite’ you. For some this could even be about reclaiming passion. For others, showing someone where the boundaries lie. Take a considered approach now.
Find that Higher Path in 2020
Jupiter in your 10th for most of the year has been showing you that there is more than one way to climb to the top. There may be an easier, broader path than the one you have been on. There’s more still to be revealed around this however. Many of the themes begun in 2020 will continue on into 2021. Especially around contacts, friendships, groups, friends, work connections and who you know. December hands us a total solar eclipse on the 14th – in Jupiter’s ruling 9th house in your chart. What do we know about eclipses? That they conceal. Total eclipses mean we are completely in the dark. In your 9th this relates to travel – especially the long-distance kind. So, have back up plans if you are heading aboard now. This also governs doing business with people overseas, foreigners, the mass media, publishing, higher education, the law, ‘big’ business, sports, the outdoors and large animals – especially horses. There’s something you don’t yet see or know. This may not be anything negative. It could be that hidden, easier path to the top. But as you’ve been learning the wisdom of waiting before putting those plans into action all year, this is your opportunity to put this into good practice.
Jupiter exits your 10th and joins Saturn in your 11th on December 19th. This is not just your house of friendships, but where the future takes shape. Benefits flow from connections old and new. Your social scene will expand during the next 12 months. As this is your house of goals which of course are tied to your future path, make three wishes now. If you are willing to take even a small step to making them come true, you will be amazed at the people and opportunities which will cross your path in 2021, designed to help you do just that. At least one of them should manifest for you – possibly more. You’ve authored a new path for yourself in 2020, Aries. But this is more than just a story you’ve been telling yourself – and others. Now – live the journey for real.
In a nutshell: 2020 hands you the ability to be seen by those who matter in a brand new light. You can author a fresh image, future or path. Love however has its own schedule. Meet it on your journey, Aries!
Taurus Yearly Forecast 2020
Get ready for take-off! Embrace the butterfly effect Love has to be the real deal
I heard a wonderful quote just prior to writing this forecast for you Taurus. It could have been uttered with you specifically in mind. It’s this: There would be no butterflies without change. Change is something your sign tends to resist. Even when deep down in your soul you know it is necessary. You tend to stick with what you know and have invested in. Even if it no longer works. Time to emerge, spread your wings, show your colours and fly in 2020, Taurus. You were always destined to be a butterfly not a caterpillar, so why resist it?
Massive, once in several lifetimes aspects the like you will never see again promise freedom, opportunity and expansion resulting from change in January. This occurs in your 9th house. The 12th marks the end of one phase and the start of another. A real or metaphorical journey which releases you into something bigger. And yes, it’s designed to change you and your circumstances. Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and Ceres all meet on the 12th. The Sun joining the line-up the next day. Something bigger is calling to you now. Pulling you inexorably towards it. Don’t resist.
This could hand you an opportunity to expand a key area like no other. You have been restricted for too long by something, Taurus. You need room to grow! Events which shake up and redefine your world or what you have believed is possible for you ask that you go with them. Don’t resist these. A door could open wide now thanks to Jupiter also in here. This is Jupiter’s ruling house and it will remain in here until December. This may require you to have the courage to set change in motion yourself. You know its long overdue. Taking the higher ground over something, daring to set events in motion or simply to let others know you are worth more, can be more and deserve more, are the actions of that butterfly emerging. Fly free.
You Can’t Fake It!
March 22 sees Saturn enter its ruling 10th in your chart for the first time in 30 years. For many of you, this will be the first time in your adult life that Saturn has handed you this kind of ability to achieve and author your future. It’s in your hands now. During the next 2.5 years expect big commitments to be made. This is all about the long term. Your long-term plans and career path, your status and what you can achieve. In this house it is all about authoring this your own way by being yourself and not imitating others. It’s also about honesty too. Owning what works and what no longer does. You won’t be able to fake enthusiasm where it no longer exists. Be it for that career, long term relationship or even how people see you. The real you and the truth is all that will do for you now. And if this involves change – so be it. Saturn in here can reward us like no other planet. Even Jupiter. If accolades are due, you will reap the rewards now. If you are on the wrong path or in anything that has been lived out– nothing and no one will keep you there now.
Brand New World – Brand New You!
You continue 2020 with Uranus remaining in your 1st. Living your truth authentically and even reinventing yourself could form a big part of your journey this year. Especially during your birthday cycle when the Sun will meet Uranus on April 26. You may dazzle others with no just your brilliance but your newly acquired and unexpected ability to showcase fresh aspects of yourself. Look to your appearance, style, brand, look, image, social media profile or even your title. Anything here dated or tired? Rebirth is the mother of opportunity for you during this time. Don’t be afraid to experiment or even challenge people’s perceptions if they have had you pigeonholed. Show the world there’s so much more to you than they realised or took for granted. April and May represent your perfect time to unfurl and plan a relaunch.
Love on Rewind – May to June 2020
Changes to your relationship reflect the changes within and without. Partners need to be evolving in a way that supports and compliments you. Being a Venus ruled sign, love is an important factor for you. You want to make things work. Whether this is what is happening or not will become apparent from mid-May when ruler Venus begins a rare retrograde cycle. This also occurs in Venus’s ruling 2nd. Love is on hold or rewind now. This is also your house of money. You can use this time to build a better relationship with your cash. Just as you can use it to sort out financial matters with partners. However, this is not the time to begin a new relationship or to take out fresh loans, credit cards or buy that big-ticket item. For one thing, if you purchase something wildly expensive and indulgent, when Venus heads direct again, you are likely to either fall out of love with it. Or find it much cheaper somewhere else.
Refinancing is favoured. As is rekindling a past love. Reconciliations come under a Venus retrograde. Is it time to extend an olive branch? If you are ‘consciously uncoupling’ this retro time can aid you in doing just that. But unless you enjoy not knowing where you stand, lovers who blow hot and then cold or again, or simply just wondering what you saw in them in the first place once Venus heads direct once more, avoid the dating scene. If it’s real – it will wait for Venus to move forward again from June 25.
What Do You Need to Know?
We have another unusual retrograde occurring from September until November when Mars in your 12th and its ruling sign of Aries, also turns retrograde. This is all about the secrets you are keeping or which are being kept from you. Above all, avoid at all costs getting involved in anything clandestine or ‘complicated’ now. Be careful also who you confide in as they may not respect your confidence. Mars in here sends you fearlessly in search of the truth. Hidden information will have its own way of surfacing too. Another reason why you need to ensure you are not engaging in any activity you would not want made public – otherwise you could be left with a lot of explaining to do. And fallout to clean up. If anyone wants to draw you in to theirs – my advice is to walk away.
If however you feel something is being kept from you, you will dig and probe and ask questions until the truth emerges. Confronting certain aspects of your past and reconciling these with your choices – especially where you have held yourself back from your butterfly destiny, sets you up for freedom once Mars heads direct again from November 12.
Change Your Love Story for 2021
After months of love being on hold, November hands you the opportunity for wonderful new beginnings in either an existing or a new partnership. The day after Mars moves direct in your 12th sees a new Supermoon appear in your 7th. All that probing you’ve done into the recesses of your deepest needs and longings frees you to enter into the kind of love or partnership opportunity that you now know you need and deserve. Ruler Venus’s entry into its ruling 7th from the 21st promises attraction and you being able to fully express how you feel. In ways that express your true colours now. More changes may be about to occur now. This time around what you share with someone or what they share with you. Joint accounts, assets, income, mortgages, pay-outs, home and even things like housework or who has responsibility for looking after the children if you have them, may come up for renegotiation. Be upfront about what you expect and clearly state your terms and conditions for any pact – be it financial or emotional in December. We have a total eclipse of the Sun in your 8th on December 14. Remember, total eclipses tell us we are completely in the dark over something. An area of our lives is ‘blacked out’.
Being clear and upfront about what you need and expect is one solution to this. As is insisting the other party is similarly transparent. In any agreement, take it you may not yet have a clear idea about what is involved. Don’t gloss over any hard to talk about issues now especially around finances, responsibilities or who ultimately calls the shots in anything from your position at work to who takes out the trash. Your house of sharing implies just that. Ensure those T&C’s reflect this rather than being unilateral.
Jupiter in its ruling 9th in 2020 along with the changes triggered by other planets in here should hand you travel and expansion opportunities that bring about those much-needed changes. This can even be simply giving yourself permission to pursue something bigger, wider and higher. You are now set for a major status shift and continuing improvements on into 2021 when Jupiter switches houses on December 19th. It’s time to ‘big up’ those career ambitions and prepare to go further and higher than you have in the past. After all, you have the wings to fly now, Taurus.
In a nutshell: Fly into a no-limits future on the wings of change in 2020, Taurus. Is it time to be a butterfly rather than a caterpillar? Travel, expansion and new love opportunities come if you dare to showcase those true colours!
Gemini Yearly Forecast 2020
Be the phoenix which rises Demand a new and better deal around love Rule the past to remake the future
This year is all about partnerships. And also about what you share with others and what is shared with you in return. It’s also about rebirth, transformation and power. When we talk about sharing, this has to include power sharing too. Who calls the shots in other words. Is this equal? Or is one party more equal than the other? Expect any imbalances to be addressed as 2020 unfolds for you.
What occurs this year has been longed for or thought about by you for some time. Whether you are aware of this or not. This includes those things that you fear. Franklin D. Roosevelt famously said ‘The only thing we have to fear is fear itself’. This applies to you this coming year. You’ll come to understand that what you thought was scary really isn’t after all.
I’ve Got the Power!
Stepping into your full power and potential is what this year is asking of you. The year begins with a once in a 500-year line up in your 8th house. That’s right. We have not seen anything like this for generations and neither will we again in our lifetimes. Or for many more to come. Your 8th is one of the most powerful and deep houses of your chart. It rules amongst other things money as in corporate money (salary), benefits, maintenance, legacies, wills, mortgages, loans etc. And joint assets you share with a partner such as the marital home or joint accounts. Shares, insurances, taxes, pensions and property dealings also fall under this house. And yes, sex or relationships where sex plays a major role (or not as in some cases).
Pluto is the ruler of this house and you will be well aware it has been in here for several years now. Events around the themes I mentioned are likely to peak or shift dramatically in January as your ruler Mercury, Saturn, Ceres (which also rules power) and the Sun all collide in your 8th over two days governing the 12th and 13th of January. All this takes place against the background of Mars, the ancient ruler of your 8th, in Sagittarius and your 7th house from the 3rd.
This asks you to claim your power (or reclaim it) to renegotiate or set in motion a new deal between you and someone else. This could be your marriage partner or long-term live in love. Your boss or even the bank. Its time to challenge something if you have come to realise power is not being shared equally. And to be unafraid to do so.
Solutions Send You Soaring
This is your house of transformation and rebirth. Jupiter also in here but out of orb of the super-conjunction, nevertheless hands you an opportunity to find a solution to anything that you have feared tackling or has held you back until now. Your symbol for the coming year is the phoenix. We often simply rise above and transcend our problems rather than solve them. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes. That’s you this year, Gemini. Reach higher even if this scares you. Last year saw Jupiter in your 7th of partnerships of all descriptions. This year can see a key one change or deepen. Sometimes the thing we want the most – and this includes love and intimacy or even success, is what scare us the most too. Although we may not be aware of this. 2020 shows you if this is the dynamic ruling your life. And Jupiter allows you to soar above it for good.
Freedom vs. Staying Put
Saturn enters your 9th house on March 22. It’s been almost 30 years since the planet of putting a ring on it (or running rings around something) visited this house in your chart. So, for some of you this will mark your first contradictory visit by Saturn which encloses and restricts, in your zone of freedom. Some of you may even be having your Saturn return. If so, you may feel an intense pull between the desire for freedom and the need to commit to something – or remain in it. Beware as Saturn in here can have you throwing that baby out with the bathwater as your yearning for freedom leads you to overthrow something you have established. Especially given Saturn was involved in that 8th house super weather back in January.
The flip side of this is that you desire freedom but it scares you at the same time. So, you hold yourself back. Saturn in here can often show us the only person placing restrictions on ourselves is actually us. So, you stay in that dead-end job rather than apply for something better. Or you reject opportunities to study or see more of the world. Saturn tells you that leaving your comfort zone may be necessary for freedom. Or paradoxically, that true freedom may come from security. Which one is it for you? December will bring answers.
Look Back At Love to Move Forward
When it comes to managing retrogrades – you rule, Gemini. After all, you’re adept at managing the thrice yearly ones of ruler Mercury. But 2020 delivers a very different kind of retrograde energy. And this occurs right at the start of your birthday season. Venus begins a rare retrograde cycle from May 13 until June 25 in your sign. Not only that, we have the cosmic North Node arriving in your 1st just prior to this. This puts the South Node in your 7th of partnerships. The nodes are linked to karma and a 19-year cycle. What goes around comes around in other words. IF you were 18 or over 19 years ago, time to look back 19 years and see what is repeating now – especially around partnership matters. Have the players changed but the themes remain the same for example?
I should not need to tell you of all signs that beginning a new love affair or even a business partnership under a Venus retrograde is not a good idea. Not unless you enjoy reversals and commitments being reneged on or changed that is. This retrograde can however deliver that blast from the past. If so, due to the nodes, ensure that the issues that caused you to part in the first place are no longer well – issues. Unless you want a repeat performance. Venus retro has you looking back at your love history to unlock your love future. Also, in your 1st it can see you making changes to your appearance, image or style. That theme of the phoenix rising includes a rebirth of you on a physical level.
Charge up Passion to Change Up!
There’s another kind of Back to the Future retrograde happening. This one in your 11th which as well as your friends and connections, rules your goals and your future. Mars which governs passion and action, also makes a rare retrograde in here from September 10. You may become suddenly aware that a group or social scene has lost its lustre. When it comes to those goals – did you lose interest or simply lose hope? Has someone been instrumental in this? Dampening your dreams for example? There’s a saying: Misery loves company. Sometimes others don’t want to be left behind when the phoenix soars. They want us to stay down in the ashes with them. You’ll be looking closely at who empowers and energises you and who doesn’t. This is all about reclaiming your passion about your future. No more mehs. Mars retro asks you what fires you up about your future? You need passion- not ambivalence. If a goal no longer ignites your soul – you need a new one. If friends or other contacts are demolishing your dreams instead of supporting them – you need a fresh support network. If you let go of something that represented a deep desire within you – reclaim it between September and November 14 when Mars heads direct again.
What You Know About Love – and What You Don’t – Yet
The year long themes around sharing and partnership matters culminate in December with a total solar eclipse in your 7th on December 14. This day also sees ruler Mercury in here opposing the North Node in your 1st. You and another are about to come full circle. This also includes business partners, close friends or even that enemy, rival or opponent. Eclipses conceal. Total eclipses mean we are utterly in the dark. In your 7th this relates to someone opposite you. You’ve experienced an intense learning cycle that has seen you revisit the past when it comes to relationships. Now, draw on that and wait for revelations. This can even be around a new relationship beginning which you may not see yet. With the Nodes involved it is also about timing. It’s also not about instant answers. It’s about wait and see and what will be will be.
Freedom and Release
Solutions and opportunities which solve your security vs. freedom dilemma triggered by Saturn are now to hand as 2020 finishes. Jupiter enters its ruling 9th on December 19 opening doors to travel, learning, expansion and banishing doubts around whatever still holds you back. Saturn in your 9th can have you seeing the world in very black and white terms. Jupiter now adds all the 50 shades and more in between. It’s now not about just who you love and what you share but what you love and what the world has to share with you. 2021 promises something bigger. 2020 is your staging point where you get to show how powerful you can be in crafting your own solutions. And in demanding your fair share of anything from money to love, Gemini.
In a nutshell: Time to claim your power. Opportunities arrive for you to transcend anything that holds you back from achieving your true potential. There’s more than enough to go around, Gemini. And that includes love for you in 2020.
Cancer Yearly Forecast 2020
Relationships transform and transform you in the process Take a new partnership journey Big commitments see you putting a ring on it!
You’ve been on a journey with someone these past years – or is that a rollercoaster ride? It’s all been down to the presence of Pluto in your 7th of partners and also rivals and opponents. It’s through the person ‘opposite’ us that we evolve our understanding of love. And our understanding of ourselves. Your 7th is a house of both attraction and reflection. The opposite number reflects back at us an aspect of ourselves. This has especially applied to you thanks to the presence of the South Node in here. This rules cycles that repeat until we understand the lesson and step free. Usually by changing something about ourselves rather than trying to change the world. Or in the case of your 7th – the other party.
Saturn also in this house rules timing and karma. It tells us there is serious work to do in a particular area of our lives. In your case relationships and the ‘c’ word – commitment which Saturn also rules. Saturn can make things feel like they are ‘heavy’ going. Hence the heavy weather feeling around relationships which peaks in January. The thing to realise is that Saturn is simply too big to push around. You can’t ‘make’ things happen with a Saturn transit. It’s either time to be in a long-term relationship or even time to consciously uncouple. Resistance is futile under Saturn.
Saturn can however reward like no other planet when we work within the structure symbolised by its rings. Yes, ‘put a ring on it’. Or remove it. Pluto also in your 7th rules transformation, sex, endings and rebirth. So what you can expect as 2020 begins is a major restructuring around a key relationship be this a marriage or love connection or even a business one. If you do not work but have a partner, you may be affected by changes to your partner’s status perhaps at work. This is also about status. Yours or your partners. Or potential partners. Being a ‘Mr’ or a ‘Mrs’ for example.
This 7th house weather is about to peak in a way you have never experienced before – nor will again. Decisions can be made around key connections which transform the relationship, yourself and the other person. Or something shifts and begins which hands you this potential. Jan 12 sees Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and Ceres all meet. Both Pluto and Ceres rule power in their own way. In mythology, Ceres was Pluto’s mother-in-law. For some of you, this could result as just that – an in-law clash or the realisation an in-law is calling the shots on your relationship. Others could experience status shifting changes within a close union. Going from married to separated, single to settled for example. Promotions, demotions, moves and becoming aware of seismic shifts within you that impact on your closest ties and what you need. Within all of this there is an opportunity to reach for a higher way to relate to others thanks to Jupiter also in this house until the year’s end. Whatever occurs in January paves the way for a bigger kind of love experience.
Know Your Worth
This isn’t just about feeling the love of another person. It’s also about showing yourself self-love. We tend to think of the 7th as about partners. But there’s one relationship we are in from cradle to grave – the one with ourselves. If you want changes to outer relationships, begin with the one with yourself. Shower yourself with self-love no matter what your partnership situation is or is evolving into. Feeling confident in this, stable in your commitment to yourself translates simply into confidence in your relationship decisions for the coming year. You’ll experience this from the time that Saturn shifts out of your 7th and on into your 8th from March 22. You’ll know what to ask for in both your personal and your professional relationships based simply on your new self-worth value system. That ring? 22 carat!
You’re Becoming Gold
Stability and security are important to you. Your needs are in focus due to a special kind of retrograde energy this year. You’re diving deep into the true nature of love when Venus retrogrades in your 12th from May 13. This may be an intensely personal experience. The past could resurface in the form of a past lover. Is there left-over business between you? A soul contract to be re-written perhaps? Or just changes within that you need to work out based on past experiences to hand yourself a new love future? The North Node leaving your 1st and swinging back into your 12th says you have the power to change your destiny now simply by understanding the path you have been on.
I should not need to tell you that with the ruler of your love life and your money backwards in here, embarking on a new liaison or even taking on big financial commitments is not advised. That lover or even that get rich quick scheme is not what it appears to be. If it looks too good to be true – it most probably is. Jupiter is also retrograde at this time in your 7th and with both planets backwards for some this could deliver a missed opportunity or reconciliation. Just ensure it heads forward on a new basis in order to succeed.
Venus will head forward once more from June 25. And on June 21 you have an important eclipse in your 1st. This is an Annular Eclipse at the time of the new Moon. You also have two new Moons in your sign during your birthday cycle. Two opportunities for a fresh start. But the first one may be unclear. Eclipses conceal something. We’re in the dark. Not totally with an Annular Eclipse because it gives us that ‘ring of fire’ effect. A flash of insight if you like. The ring of truth which Saturn wants us to embrace. Add this to the Venus retrograde and this adds up to caution when it comes to starting anything new – or ending something. Take it you don’t have the big picture yet. Wait until at least after the second new Moon in your 1st on July 22 and if possible until after Venus arrives in your 1st on August 7 when a clearer picture will begin to emerge.
New Beginnings In Love
Your best times to begin that new relationship or to rekindle the love between you and someone else are when Venus is in your sign from Aug 7 until Sept 5. This period favours new beginnings and reinventions. Across any area from your personal look, image or style to your professional one. The time of the new Moon in your 5th of attraction, attention and romance on November 15th is another one. The new Moon makes a powerful angle to Jupiter and Pluto in your 7th. This can point to lucky breaks, new beginnings in love or a fresh opportunity to showcase your talents and shine. A cycle of success could be triggered now if you are willing to take a chance – perhaps on yourself and your abilities. Self-love adds up to believing in yourself too!
How What You Do Affects How You Feel
You need to apply that signature Cancerian intuition to that work/body/spirit connection during December. What I can tell you is that this is all interlinked in a way that is not obvious. But will be. The effect your job or daily routine, the ‘vibe’ you are living or working in, the food you fuel your body with and how good or drained you feel. The answer to all this will emerge as will the connection. However, you are in the dark right now about some aspect of this. All due to a total eclipse in your 6th of work, wellbeing, duty and routine on Dec 14. You may feel something is going on behind the scenes at work. Or have a hunch that what you are doing, eating or repeating may not be good for you after all. Wait for the feelgood factor to slowly reveal itself and above all, follow your gut instincts when it comes to changing your diet, daily routine or health regimen. You’ve supported that inner you with self-love. It may now be the time to show that body some love too. Try a little tenderness and don’t take on too much in your desire to nurture others if self-nurturing is called for.
Power Money & Big Commitments
Jupiter leaves your 7th on Dec 19 when it joins Saturn in your 8th. Hopefully it should have delivered at least one potential partnership dynamic for you during the past 12 months. Or eased you out of one that no longer worked. Jupiter is the planet which keeps on giving. In here it adds up to big benefits, money or other resources that are shared with you by someone, corporate money as in your salary, pay-outs, maintenance, wills, insurance, legacies and mortgages and loans. Along with Saturn, long term commitments can be entered into. You should be handling larger sums of money, taking on more responsibilities or be handed the ‘keys’ to the vault. As in that mortgage, employment contract, loan agreement or even someone giving you access to what they have freely. It’s time to know what you want. And to get serious about it. You’re putting a ring on love, self-love and above all, what you know you need for the long term in 2020, Cancer!
In a nutshell: You’ve an invitation to explore a new kind of freedom in love, Cancer. Life offers a new partnership experience in 2020. Between you and another or even just you and yourself. And yes, no matter what form it takes – it’s all love!
Leo Yearly Forecast 2020
Feed your soul in 2020 Get ready for serious love Reclaim the passion and the fire, Leo!
This year has a question for you, Leo. Are you serious? Time to prioritise health, routine, work (paid or unpaid), that mind/body/spirit connection and lastly – yes, love. Take what your daily needs and your needs around partnership matters seriously. It’s time for the ‘C’ word – commitment.
The cycle of big commitments begins for you in January. First with getting serious about your daily work (paid or unpaid), your routine and your overall wellbeing. Events impacting on this which may occur outside of your control may have you looking yes – seriously, at changes you need to make if you have not already set these in motion. Understand this is more than mere short-term New Year’s resolutions. This is work and lifestyle changing stuff. Remaining stuck to that routine or rut may simply no longer be an option.
Super 6th house weather in your chart the like of which you have never experienced before nor will again may just remind you that life’s too short. January 12-13 shows you that you need to not only just do it as the slogan encourages – but do it NOW. Changes may occur to your work, study, how you feel in terms of your daily wellbeing, those daily tasks you do or even your commute, that show you things cannot remain the same on a day-to-day basis. This is all down to the mega meeting in here between Mercury which rules this house, Saturn, Pluto and Ceres on the 12th. The following day your ruler the Sun joins this urging you to take action on any necessary changes you now see need to be made.
What is Your Soul Hungry For?
Escape from that rut? More meaning to your work? The excitement of learning something? Feeling good about how your body feels? You need food for the soul this cycle which in turn feeds the body. Dr. Feelgood in the form of Jupiter is IN and offering solutions. Make no mistake – there’s a massive opportunity emerging from all this. Yoga, pilates, meditation, your doctor, physiotherapist, psychotherapists, personal trainers, structured exercise regimens and diets which support your body feature. As could simply getting rid of anything that drain you from clutter to that tired old routine or even people. Shed it and feed your soul instead! Especially if of love you have neglected to treat your body like the Golden Temple that it is and a fast food outlet instead. Seizing that opportunity could involve stretching to sign up for the course to upskill or return to education or applying for that better, more exciting job. Whatever excites you feeds and nourishes now. Take wellbeing seriously.
Time for Serious Love
Saturn is probably the most beautiful planet in our solar system. If you have ever looked at it through a telescope you’ll know what I mean. Despite its sheer unbelievable shimmering ringed beauty however, Saturn is still regarded with dread by many astrologers. Saturn puts a ring on it. And by that I mean sets restrictions. But if we work within this, Saturn rewards like no other planet. Not even Jupiter. Saturn asks we take the area of our charts it is spending 2.5 years in seriously. In your case from March 22 this is your 7th of partnerships, long term loves and opposite numbers of all descriptions. Get serious about what you want. And this includes also consciously uncoupling if something is no longer working for you.
It’s been almost 30 years since Saturn was last in this sector of your chart. So, for many of you, this will be the first time you have experienced Saturn in your house of long term relating. Some of you will therefore take your present relationship to the next level – becoming engaged, married or moving in together. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. The sign of the mountain goat who climbs high. Business partnerships are therefore favoured with Saturn in here if you are both serious about what you want to achieve. Like mountaineers roped to one another you can scale the heights – and help one another over the crevasses.
A Serious Contender For Your Heart?
Singles could attract someone who has serious long-term potential and who makes your heart burst with pride. They would be considered a ‘catch’. Ambitious, hard-working and likely to be established in what they do or else marked for success. They may be in one of the ‘traditional’ professions – banking, finance, medicine, politics, government, architecture, journalism or the corporate world. They could even have their own business. They may dress conservatively for business but this covers the soul of a rock star and a killer sense of humour. Deeply sensual, they enjoy the good things of life. They may not be keen on the latest trendy restaurant but instead prefer established venues with an excellent reputation. If they are wooing you, they give high quality, traditional gifts – flowers, perfume or cologne, jewellery. If you are wooing them – well, now you know. When they get to know your individual preferences, expect them to put a lot of time and thought into gifts which will always be understated expensive. They value quality over quantity. They are looking for something serious. Are you it?
Watch and Wait
We have two unusual retrogrades occurring this year aside from the usual Mercury mayhem we know to expect three times a year. 2020 sees both Venus and then Mars head backwards. Venus in your 11th is almost always about the friendship kind of love and experiencing the generosity of friends rather than romance. No matter what house Venus retrogrades in, when it does I should not need to remind you that this is not the time to embark on a new love affair. Venus retro in your 11th from May 13 means that if you do, you will probably see it de-evolve into just a friendship once Venus heads direct again from June 25. This is a fabulous time to revive old connections, return to old haunts you love and also reinfuse goals with fresh meaning. Also be aware that just prior to Venus moving forward, we have an eclipse occurring in your 12th house on June 21 which makes a challenging aspect to Saturn in your 7th. This could mean there is something you do not yet know about a partner, potential partner, business partner or long-term friend. Your 12th is your house of hidden enemies – the one you don’t see coming. But you will eventually as this is an annular eclipse. This brings the ‘ring of fire’ effect around your ruler. In other words, a flash of intuition or insight into someone or a situation. Please take this seriously.
The second rare retro occurs in your 9th of long-distance travel, big business, the law, higher learning, opportunities and freedom. Mars in its ruling sign of Aries retrogrades from Sept 10 until Nov 14. The term ‘going nowhere fast’ comes immediately to mind on this one. Mars rules both action – yes, we’re back to Just Do It – and also passion. Simply put, you may not want to push forward with big plans, feel that areas of your life are at a standstill or be simply mired in the Mehs. You’re not feeling it right now. Any attempts you do make simply may seem like they require a massive effort on your part – and then don’t get you the result you hoped for. If you are travelling or doing business overseas, expect delays and also take care when visiting places you do not know or in entering agreements with people you have not done business with before. That overseas love interest may also not be what they seem. Are they telling you they are stranded in Timbuktu with no cash? Take it they are sitting at a computer in Russia.
What is this retro good for? Reclaiming what used to fire you up and your sense of adventure. We’re back again to that theme triggered at the start of the year of escaping any ruts you have fallen into. Reclaim the fire and the passion. Head back towards the heat, Leo!
Prepare to Take the Plunge!
Your 5th is where you are seen. Where you radiate and attract. It’s your house of all things close to your heart. So, who turned out the lights? December 14’s new Moon plunges your ruler into darkness. Yes, we have a total eclipse happening. You’re now feeling your way through something and having to work by instinct. This could be around a lover, children, a creative venture or something that looks like a ‘lucky’ break for you. Watch your on-line profile, what you post and who follows you. You may not realise the importance of a meeting, a contact or something someone says until later. Something is emerging from this that may take time to show you it’s full potential.
Jupiter is on the move again. Do you believe love is a journey better untaken with someone whose heart beats in the same rhythm as yours? Jupiter in your 7th for the next 12months from December 19 offers you the chance to explore a bigger, wider, wilder partnership experience that could take you places you’ve never been before. Be open as this may not be a long-term love or marriage type union (but it can be). The perfect double act for you could turn out to be that friendship, working relationship, activity partner or close collaborator. Jupiter should hand you at least one and possibly more opportunities to experience the Power of Two in 2021. Along with Saturn in here, this could add up to a lifetime of journeying together for some. You and someone else are going places together now, Leo.
In a nutshell: 2020 promises work opportunities and the chance to bring sexy back when it comes to that routine, your body and wellbeing. Love could turn into the journey of a lifetime, Leo. Get ready for serious love!
Virgo Yearly Forecast 2020
Work it like a boss! You can’t have it all – but you can have what you really want Love, babies, children, creativity and getting noticed see you shine
Surprisingly, this forecast is steering clear of your ruler’s retrograde cycles. Of course, I will go into these in your monthly and weekly forecasts as 2020 unfolds. By now being Mercury ruled these Moon-walking cycles should contain very few surprises. Besides which, they happen approximately three times every year. 2020 however hands us once in 500-year aspects which we will never see again. And it’s these we will be focussing on for you. And yes, ruler Mercury IS involved so you will feel the effects whether directly or indirectly, on a personal level.
Go With The Unexpected
You’ve been experiencing intense 5th house weather in your chart ever since Pluto was joined in here by Saturn at the end of 2017. This peaks in January possibly reshaping your love, parenting or creative landscape in ways you have never experienced before. Nor will again. Of course, you have Jupiter planet of opportunity in here. So, part of this cycle is going to hand you an expanded and transformational love experience. You are a sign which craves order and routine. However, events or news could show you that no matter how we may try to impose order in our lives, the universe has other plans for us. And opportunities, wishes and dreams arise out of the unexpected twists and turns of events. So, go with flow and let go of the old order, Virgo!
January 12 is the date everyone is watching as for the first time in half a millennium, Saturn and Pluto meet in Saturn’s ruling sign of Capricorn. This is all about transforming the old order. For you, this could herald a transformation around romance, parenting, a trip which changes the course of your destiny or inspires you or even recognition for your creative or other talents. Ruler Mercury and also Ceres are caught up with this meeting. It’s about the power of love and also the power of information for you. That creative idea for example or what you say. Unexpected, future defining news could arrive which shows you to quote the Sugababes: Ain’t it crazy how you think you’ve got your whole life planned, Just to find out it was never ever in your hand?
What is it you REALLY Want?
Saturn mixed up with your ruler as well as Pluto and Ceres isn’t necessarily about bad news. It’s about the power to choose instead. It’s not about having everything you want in your 5th. It’s about choosing what you utterly and really love. Or love to do. And committing to that. Babies, children young people, your partner’s children, relationships that could eventually see you becoming a parent, that journey you long to take, being noticed for what you can do – look to your desires around this. And then be realistic. For example, if you want to be a National Geographic explorer but also want to have a settled relationship – unless you find another explorer to hook up with, how practical is having both? Trying to attain both may actually prevent you from achieving either. You have the power of choice and making the right one right now. So, use your incredible gift of focus and weighing up the pros and cons now, Virgo.
Work That Signature Vibe!
Saturn moves into your 6th where your Virgo vibe resides for the first time in almost 30 years on March 22. So, for many of you this will be the first time you have experienced Saturn’s ability to hand you the stamina and focus to tackle any task without feeling burned out or overloaded. Your focus is laser-honed now. And this extends to your wellbeing too. Saturn rules the structure of the body – bones and teeth. Ensure your diet has enough calcium and also cruciferous vegetables now. Saturn in here can aid you in losing weight and also keep you on track and committed to that exercise plan. Because Saturn rules structure it favours structured forms of exercise. Yoga, pilates, cross training and weights for instance or anything that focusses on core strength.
At work you can impress managers, supervisors and bosses with your ability to deliver and get the job done without fuss. You’re not about instant result but details and ensuring any task is done well the first time. Saturn in here also asks us to step up into a more serious role. If we consign ourselves to unstimulating work or that dead end job, what can happen with Saturn in here is that we end up making mistakes – even though the job is easy and does not tax us. So pay attention if this begins to happen. Saturn wants you to take seriously all you can do – and have to offer now.
Destiny Drives Those Career Moves
Get ready for a new kind of retrograde experience this year. And be ready to review your public and professional image as well as the path you are on. Saturn is the ruler of your 10th of course. You will not only be seeking recognition and rewards this year for the work you do, but want enjoyment and meaning to be equal take-outs. Venus will make a rare retrograde in your 10th from May 13 until June 25. Just a few days prior to this, the North Node will enter your 10th for the first time in 19 years. This is all about the path you are destined to take. If you are on the wrong one now, expect destiny to steer you on the right course.
Be aware of your public image and guard this carefully. I should not need to tell you of all signs, that with the ruler of your love life heading backwards in any house in your chart, you should not embark on a new love affair if you are seeking something lasting. You will also be acutely aware during this transit of how your partner’s status impacts on yours. Lost career opportunities could however reappear now. As could ‘the one that got away’. Watch who or what resurfaces around the third week of May when ruler Mercury and retro Venus both meet.
Look Before You Leap
Mars rules action. Especially the kind of actions that transform us or our relationships. The second unusual retro weather cycle begins in September when Mars heads backwards in its ruling 8th in your chart. With the ruler of boundaries, pro-active moves and yes, your sexiness, retrograde until November 14, you may feel you’ve lost your mojo. Or simply find yourself uncertain about what to do – especially if this involves you and someone else. This is your house of joint assets, what you share with others, relationships where sex is important, mortgages, loans, benefits, pay outs, your salary, shares, legacies, wills, maintenance and empowerment. Needless to say, if you find yourself embroiled in any negotiations or discussions involving any of the above, you may feel at a distinct disadvantage.
Entering into long term financial agreements isn’t favoured as simply put – the odds may not be in your favour. Losing that mojo includes looking at the person you could not keep your hands off the day before and now finding them as attractive as a used teabag. Mars retrograde always tells us nothing in haste. Especially in its ruling house so please remember that.
Reignite the Power and the Passion!
Nothing lasts. Especially retrogrades. You know this. Mars shifts forward from the 14th November firing you up with new passion and rekindled sex appeal. Bringing sexy back is a great use of retrograde Mars. Just 10 days prior to Mars heading direct, ruler Mercury moves forward in your money house. Yes, I know we are not going deep into Merc retrogrades but this tells you that from the 14th, your self-confidence is reset and bank account boosting moves can be undertaken.
Bring it on home!
Where you belong and what you need for that sense of belonging, home and family matters shift into focus in December. But what you need to understand is that you may not have all the pieces of the puzzle you need in order to feel grounded and secure. Not yet anyway. The 14th sees a new Moon in the Moon’s ruling 4th. The same day as Mercury also now in your 4th conjuncts the South Node in here and opposes the North in your 10th also brings us a total solar eclipse. You are in the dark about a career, security, home or family matter. And you don’t have enough information to proceed. Be especially wary now if this is around moving, buying, selling or leasing property or even a family member. Or if the news you receive around this time smacks of déjà vu. Before falling back on your usual emotional response, if you can – wait. A new or different option may change not just your story but that of family karma too. But you may not know it is a choice – yet.
Where in the world?
Where we live is so often tied to what we do. Or aspire to do. Where in the world can you find that place where work and lifestyle align? Once more, Jupiter may have the answer for you. Just five days after the eclipse, Jupiter will move into your 6th handing you the best opportunities to find where that is. If you are seeking a new job or to return to the workplace, Jupiter will hand you your best prospects for 12 years during 2021. Feel a return of daring, a can-do attitude and vitality! Above all, with Jupiter and Saturn in here its an unprecedented opportunity to create that perfect work/life balance that sustains for the long term. Whether this is right where you are now, in another town or area or even in another country, you’ll work all this like a boss in 2020 and for years to come, Virgo.
In a nutshell: Do you believe destiny has a plan for you, Virgo? It could reveal this in 2020. Especially around love, opportunities to shine, children, babies and creativity. Get ready for opportunity’s spotlight to single you out!
Libra Yearly Forecast for 2020
Get ready to make your move Help yourself to some serious love You’re a class act in 2020, Libra!
You may have spent 2019 clicking the heels of those red Jimmy Choos for all you were worth, Libra. Home matters and family ties may have been to put it simply- hard to ground or make progress with. Sure, you know there’s no place like home. But anything that impacted on your long-term security, sense of belonging and four walls, probably felt like very hard work. Mortgages, leases, banks, landlords, sharers, buying, selling and renting, renovations, Airbnb, your salary or changing family dynamics all may have had their role to play. The good news about 2020 is that it brings you a new opportunity around all these, an easing of constraints and the key to a new sense of place. Plus, you shouldn’t have to wait very long once the year begins to see these themes on your doorstep knocking to be let in!
This has of course, all been down to Saturn transitting your 4th house. March will see Saturn exit here and arrive in your 5th (more on this shortly). Before this occurs however, we have a once-in-a-500-year event taking place in your 4th. Which could see you emerging from it with a new sense of foundation in place. A compromise may need to be struck to achieve this. But this is all about your soul values when it comes to achievement, where you belong and the lifestyle you need to create to sustain you.
Move On Up!
Who or what has been dictating your lifestyle, living arrangements or even your career, Libra? Whether this is a person or simply circumstances, look forward to events which free you to choose your own path as early as January 2020. Jupiter began to ease you into someone larger or show you solutions to present restrictions, when it arrived in this house back in December 2019. Those once-in-an-eon events I spoke of don’t contain Jupiter. But Jan 12 sees Mercury, Saturn, Pluto and Ceres all meet in your 4th. And the 13th, the Sun joins this. There’s a power shift occurring now. And the chance to begin again or lay a fresh foundation for the future. If you have been in a situation, either at work or at home, that is unfair (‘Wage slave’ is one term that pops immediately to mind), this marks a change in the balance of power. Opportunities may open up to move on up. Either to a better home, job, living arrangement or simply just in how things are assigned or shared. This may be via events in the outer world having a beneficial impact on your personal situation. One example would be a shift in property values puts home ownership within your reach. Or a change in your company’s structure brings an opportunity for promotion. Be ready. This could re-shape your world.
Even if you do not engage in paid work, changes could impact on you via your partner’s or a family members status. If your career path is not one you have chosen yourself, you will be given the opportunity to forge your own. One that brings rewards, satisfaction and meaning. Or a new home could not beckon with a freer, easier lifestyle. Watch for big and beneficial changes at the end of June when Jupiter and Pluto meet in here.
Dynasties and Serious Love Affairs
Let’s talk about your 5th house. It’s the house where you get to be wooed, noticed and shine. It’s also the house of children, the younger generation. Why? Because it rules the bedchamber. It’s also the house of royalty as it is associated with the Sun and the sign of Leo. However, your 5th house is future-thinking Aquarius. Becoming a parent, establishing the ‘royal’ line if you like are all possibilities with Saturn in here for the next 2.5 years from March 22. As could be entering a relationship that sees you become a parent, step-parent, foster parent in the future. If you have adult children, you could find yourself a grandparent (or should I say GLAMparent as this is your glittering, showy 5th house!).
Lovers may look very different than what they have done in the past with Saturn in here. You are likely to meet someone who is seeking something serious. And who may be seven years older or younger than you. Or more. Saturn rules age and timing but many people forget that this can work either way.
Serious recognition could also be yours when it comes to your talents and creative ventures. Especially if you have been ‘doing your time’ honing your craft or abilities. Expect your work to come to the attention of the people who matter now. And take what you have to offer – whether on a personal or a professional front, seriously.
Your style may also change with Saturn in here. Classic yet individually you. You will be drawn towards timeless items and investment dressing. Even if you are on a budget. Saturn in here reduces the urge to splurge. It will see you dressing for success and instead of opting for throwaway fashion, you’ll buy the item you’ll not only be wearing for years to come, but which makes a classy statement about you. And tells others you need to be taken seriously. Even if your budget doesn’t allow for you to head to Prada, you’ll comb the charity shops, vintage stores and eBay for bargains that simply scream ‘class act’. Less is always more with Saturn. It tells you that maybe all you need is one. If it’s the right one!
Head Back Towards Love
We have two very unusual retrogrades this year in addiction to the usual Mercury backwards mayhem in the sky. Ruler Venus retrogrades in your 9th from May 13 until June 25. I should not need to emphasise to you that new love is a No Entry zone for you. Not unless you like guessing games or broken promises or hearts that is. Venus only retrogrades once every 2 years or so. What makes this retro especially unusual is that it occurs just days after the North Node also entered this house on the 8th. Once Venus heads direct we will see it and the North Node meet in here on Aug 5. As this is your house of travel, travelling back to somewhere you love or reconnecting to a past one are high possibilities now. If you are old enough, then themes around travel, learning and big loves that you experienced back in 1983 may repeat or reappear. This could even involve a come back or second chance at success.
Lost passion can also be recovered when Mars also heads backwards in your 7th from Sept 10 in its ruling sign of Aries. Again, this is not about starting something new. Also, please do not take any long-term action or make decisions around existing partnerships and unions right now purely on the basis that you are ‘no longer feeling it’. If you can, wait until Mars heads direct from Nov 14. You may suddenly find the heat is on again!
Reinvention and Relaunches
Look to those Saturn themes when it comes to relaunching yourself during your birthday season. You have a new Supermoon in your 1st and while the Sun is in your sign, it will oppose that retro Mars. You can therefore totally change up the image people have had of you in the past and replace it with a new one that is who you authentically are today. Or how you want to be seen in the future. This can ripple across your appearance, your social media profiles and your presence everywhere. Your best gift and the one that lasts this birthday is making a present of yourself to yourself. The way you want to look or be perceived. By the time Venus enters your 1st on Oct 28 you should be ready to show the world what you are becoming. Be it now.
Ensure you understand what is being said and also that others understand you in turn in December. Above all, unless you have it in writing, its not a done deal. And even if you do, you need to check that fine print and check it again. And even get an expert to check it for you. This may sound like super-sized Mercury retro weather. We have a total solar eclipse in Mercury’s ruling 3rd in your chart on Dec 14 so there are parallels to be drawn to retrograde confusion. The difference here is that a total eclipse says this is not just a misunderstanding or miscommunication – you are utterly and completely in the dark. Someone may promise you something and simply not deliver. But you don’t see it until it is too late. Aside from hooking up everyone you know to a lie detector, your best strategy is a ‘wait and see’ approach. The deal’s not done no matter what someone may be saying.
Just as in a Mercury retro, you are advised not to enter into agreements or sign important papers now. Ask for clarification and ask again if necessary. Ensure everything that is agreed is in writing. Back up important calls, meetings or interviews with minutes, emails or documentation that lists what was said and agreed and who said it. Keep copies of everything. Don’t buy a car, computer, phone, tablet or book that trip unless it cannot be helped. That ‘bargain’ probably isn’t. If travelling under the eclipse ensure you confirm all departures, flights and reservations. And you know where you are going and have an alternative route if necessary.
How Lucky Do You Feel?
Jupiter’s arrival in your 5th from Dec 19 promises a year long streak where luck and love are on your side. As it will meet Saturn in here the effects of all this could simply be lasting happiness. Jupiter rules long distance travel and this is your house of holidays. So, many of you could be taking that bucket list trip in 2021. Big loves, attention and glittering prizes await she or who is willing to take a chance in the year ahead. Now you have home matters firmly in place, you’re feel to explore all that’s on offer as you finally step free of restrictions. And head towards that lucky break in 2021, Libra.
In a nutshell: Move on up away from home and career restrictions in 2020, Libra. Love and romance get serious. As you craft a timeless approach to your image, message and your talents. The world sits up and takes notice now as it opens doors.
Scorpio Yearly Forecast 2020
One idea can change your world What kind of love do you need next? Live it large in 2020 – and beyond
It’s Superhero January for you as 2020 begins, Scorpio. Ready to suit up? So just what is your superpower? Words. Ideas. What you communicate. The internet could turn out to be where you turn into your own version of Captain Marvel or Jean Grey. Ruler Pluto hands you the power. Saturn hands you the control. You’re a cosmic force for change for the better. For you and for those you do business with, talk with and communicate with.
This is no rehearsal. This is opening night. Your launch. A say it/do it/make your move now or never moment. Pluto and Saturn are meeting in your 3rd for the first time in 500 years. This meeting has always accompanied ideas which change the world. And sometimes all that is is one. The idea whose time has come. What’s yours? This could be around selling, working, teaching, speaking, writing or doing business. That blog, Insta feed, website, book, screenplay or product. Your CV and how you market yourself which again, all comes down to communication.
Jupiter in the background here says round round get around, I get around. And so does what you say and your ideas. To a larger, bigger, wider audience than ever before. You are simply set to go further now. January 12 sees that mega meeting between Saturn and Pluto take place along with Mercury which rules this house and Ceres. One idea or deal you strike now can literally change or reshape your world. The Sun joins in the following day making this an offer you can’t refuse.
What Your World Needs Now
Is love. Let go of what the ‘perfect’ partnership for the next stage of your love evolution looks like. Take it that the universe knows and don’t judge a book by its cover. It could be this is a romantic duet. Or it could equally be a business or working relationship. A close friendship. Venus and Uranus meet in Venus’s ruling sign and house in your chart on March 9. The love rules are changing for you, Scorpio. But they also reflect the inner changes that have been going on within you. If something has run its course, you’ll be set free to go seek the companion for the next stage of that love journey. What love looks like may look radically different but the message is who cares as its all love!
Saturn is on the move in March into your 4th. Over the next 2.5 years you will be laying your foundation for the future. Either in your career or where you live. Possibly both. Your home, family and living arrangements will be cemented in some way. The key here is what works for you and your unique needs. Long term decisions can be made and you need to be looking forward not just at how you want to be living and where in the here and now, but in the future. Saturn in here allows you to put down roots. Or send those shoots out far from the original tree to more fertile ground for you.
Feel the Fear – and Do It Anyway!
Jupiter and Pluto meeting in your 3rd on March 30 supersizes potential and possibility. But you have to do something with this. Pluto as you of all signs should know, is all about power. Especially the kind you may keep hidden or simply be afraid of. Do you want to discover just what you can achieve if you unleash your superpower? Maybe the possibility of success is what you fear. Not that you don’t want it. But you’re scared of the changes it may bring. Feel the fear and do it anyway now. Plus you’ll get another chance to dare to see what you can do if you simply allow yourself to try when these two meet again in June and November. Claim your power on these dates. Take your message further. Jupiter rules the mass media and also travel. This house rules both traditional and digital forms of communication. Pluto is all about the power behind these. Find your platform and send that idea or message far.
Enter the Unknown
In ancient times unexplored areas of the world would be blank on maps but often contain the words: Here be dragons. Nobody knew what was ‘out there’ and they concluded it was most probably something scary that was out to eat them. The house opposite to your 3rd is of course, your 9th. That’s the one Jupiter rules. So, think of it this way. Everything that the 3rd contains is supersized in your 9th. Your 3rd rules your early education, neighbourhood, your commute, short journeys in terms of distance and duration and your every day communications and work. It also rules small animals as its linked to Mercury which rules these. Your 9th is universities, degrees, long distance travel, the mass media, big business and foreigners as well as the outdoors and large animals – bigger than say a sheep. So, horses and everything up to whales are ruled by your 9th.
This is your house of long journeys whether real or metaphorical. Getting your degree is a long learning journey as it takes you three years. It will take you longer if you are aiming for a post graduate qualification or entering a field like medicine, the law or science. When starting out, you may have some idea of what the journey may entail. But you don’t really know. It has to be experienced. And you need a map, syllabus or plan to get to where you need to go. The Annular Solar Eclipse in your 9th on June 21 puts you in dragon territory. There is some detail missing that you don’t know about or cannot see. While this house in your chart is the sign of Cancer and associated with home, in those dragon ruled Game of Thrones eras of the past, Cancer was the sign associated with explorers due to the restless nature of the tides. If you are travelling under this eclipse please take extra care. This could feel like a Mercury retro on steroids. If you are having any dealings with the law, the mass media, overseas business transactions or even sporting activities – take it that you are in the dark over something. If you are venturing into an unknown area, you need to exercise caution. Also, don’t buy a horse either. Especially without having it vetted first by a top rate veterinarian. The same applies to buying a dragon.
Big loves can feature in 2020. Or a love which expands your horizons or knowledge in some way. You could meet someone well-travelled, from overseas or with foreign connections. Generous, adventurous and wildly sexy. They see love as a journey. You could be along for a wild ride now but please – keep in mind the new retro rules for 2020.
Retroactive Love
2020 sees unusual retrograde weather where love and passion may temporarily leave the building. Venus retrograde in your 8th of power money and yes – sex tells you that not only should you avoid any situation that comes under the guise of ‘It’s complicated’ you need to refrain from taking out a new loan, mortgage or making that major purchase now. At least until Venus heads direct again from June 25. You should also try to avoid starting any new relationship. Whether it is complicated or not. Unless you are content just for flings to get flung and aren’t looking for anything lasting.
The rule in astrology is that the ancient rulerships still apply. So, when your ancient ruler Mars heads backwards – which it does in your 6th of work and wellness from Sept 10, along with the Aries out there, you will be most affected. Lack of drive, energy and just feeling everyday tasks are beyond you can accompany this retrograde. You may simply find you cannot bring your best game no matter how hard you try. Because this is your house of everyday connections across the whole mind/body/spirit spectrum, this retrograde can uncover how problems in one area are impacting on others. Your job drains you even at the best of times and because of this you come home too tired to enjoy your free time would be a classic example. Now is not the time to take action on any insights you get however. Downshift for a while then push forward with changes once Mars heads direct from Nov 14.
Become Bolder
The day after Mars swings into affirmative action once more, you have a new Supermoon in your 1st ushering in a fresh start or bold new relaunch for you. It makes a wonderful angle to Jupiter and Pluto in your 3rd giving you the confidence to begin a fresh phase or reclaim what’s been missing from your life. As we head into December you need to have set your values when it comes to your self-worth. To have used the year to determine just how far your skills, talents and ideas can take you and to experience how the world rewards you for these. Hold onto this as the new Moon of Dec 14 in your money zone plunges you into total darkness as it delivers a total eclipse of the Sun. Don’t be undersold now – or undersell yourself. If anyone or anything makes you feel underserving or unworthy, you need to examine this in the cold light of day once the eclipse has passed. This is our house not just of money but of how we are treated by others.
Steer clear of financial dealings now if you possibly can. This eclipse tells you that you simply don’t have all the information you need or they may be hidden strings attached. If something looks too good to be true – from that job offer, to that bargain or even that person – take it that it probably is. You’re off the money map now and can’t see where you’re going. Avoid unnecessary expenditure, impulse purchases and keep your financial details safe. Remember in stories, that hidden vault of gold was usually guarded by a dragon! Don’t be undersold when it comes to your worth, but play safe when it comes to your money and other assets.
Get Ready to be Given the Key
Jupiter enters your 4th on December 19th. It’s been 12 years since Jupiter last unpacked for a year long house stay in here. Doors to property dealings swing open wide – especially when combined with Saturn in here as it rules establishment and foundation. If you move under this transit, then this should be a long term one and you’ll be unpacking for some time to come. Under this influence some of you may be able to take your first step up the property ladder or move to a bigger, better home. Even if you are renting, Jupiter should bring you an opportunity to upgrade your present living arrangements and expand your lifestyle. Saturn also rules your status and your career. A move to a better neighbourhood or larger home could be the natural result of a promotion or better job. Others may extend or renovate their present home. Jupiter in this house says you need space to really live. It is also asking where in the world that is? It could be right where you are now. Or it could be in another area, town or even country. You’re going to spend 2020 discovering how far an idea can take you. Follow it into 2021 to where you can put down roots, Scorpio.
In a nutshell: News, ideas, the internet, what you write, say, communicate has the power to re-shape your world and take you further than you thought possible. Say it like you mean it in 2020, Scorpio.
Sagittarius Yearly Forecast 2020
Hey – must be the money! Strike that deal 2020 sees the return of real love
Ruler Jupiter says Ride Wit Me in 2020, Sag. Hey -must be the money! Time to put on your bling, your cowboy hat and fire up that Trans Am, Sag. Sure, I just described that dream road trip! Want to take it in 2020? Jupiter in your 2nd is saying that if money has been stopping you you’re now paying cash, first class and having your Nelly moment. If the past two years have seen you doubting to flow, all this is set to change, yo. And if your mantra is ‘Instant gratification takes too long’ – you won’t have long to wait either as powerful changes transform your money, bank account, assets and self-worth starting in January.
But it’s not your ruler that’s the main focus as 2020 begins. Unless you’ve been road-tripping on well – Pluto, you will know we have once-in-500-year weather happening in your 2nd as Pluto and Saturn meet in here on Jan 12. Although your ruler has been in your 1st in 2019, many Sagittarians have been left asking: Where’s the beef? That feeling of being short-changed has been due to Saturn placing restrictions on you – especially around your cash or income. You may have had to work harder than ever before for your money for instance. Or had to manage on less and make it go further. Your efforts may not have yielded the results you hoped for no matter how much time you invested. Worse, the money you would usually spend on those pursuits that make life worth living for you – and yes, that includes that road trip, may have had to be used for other things. Which has left you going nowhere fast, Sag.
But you have gained serious financial smarts by experiencing this. You know what’s truly valuable to you now. And what is simply a waste of your time and investment. You’ve a new strategy in place because of this. One that leverages your self-worth and makes the most of what you have. You’re about to strike the deal of a lifetime now. It’s not just Saturn and Pluto that meet on Jan 12. But Mercury and Ceres which joins them. Mercury rules news and messages while Ceres carries the special power of the Art of the Deal. Striking a new bargain that is very much in your favour being part of this.
In mythology, Pluto ruled the underworld. We use mythology even today to predict how astrology works. It’s archetypal energy. The underworld is where all the riches are buried. Gold. Platinum. Gems. Minerals. You can only access these if you dig deep and enter Pluto’s realm. We mine our talents and skills for instance. Saturn on the other hand is all about raising something up and going the distance. The long haul. The hard yards. You’ve now done that and got the t-shirt to prove it. Pluto hands you the riches, Saturn raises you up. Jupiter sends you the opportunity to expand. Events in your work, the outer world could open doors to let you move on up and access more riches. You get a bigger slice of the pie that others may have been keeping to themselves.
As the year progresses, Jupiter is going to hand you not one, but three opportunities to improve your finances and set a gold standard for self-worth and rewards. Your key dates are March 30, June 30 and Nov 7.
Past Loves Return
It’s an ‘Hello, again!’ kind of year when it comes to love and doing what you love. Picking up something you used to love to do, but have been prevented from doing due to time/money restraints can happen as early as March when Saturn exits your 2nd and enters your 3rd on the 22nd. It’s now time to give serious consideration to everything you say you are going to do. And follow through with Saturn in here. It asks you walk your talk and keep your word. Your ideas will be taken seriously now. Especially by people who can help you make them happen. Lasting agreements and promises can be entered into and made. Saturn exiting your 2nd means you should have more time and other resources to spend doing what you love rather than what you have to do.
But there’s a bigger past flavour to all this than just going back to being able to do the things you love. Who you have loved in the past and how also features thanks to two unusual retrograde cycles in your house of partnerships and your sector of lovers in 2020. Venus rules your 7th and retrogrades in here from May 13 until June 25. Please do not go looking for new love during this cycle. Not only may you be looking in all the wrong places, even if you attract someone, they will not be what you’re seeking in the long term. This applies to business partnerships and any kind of collaborative venture.
Venus retro can bring back that former partner or lover and offer you an opportunity to see if you can rekindle the spark. However due to other aspects in your chart, please proceed with caution as the past can often be a trap. All you may be setting yourself up for is a repeat performance. Ask yourself if that is truly what you want (or need) now?
What Goes Around Comes Around
The reason I am asking you to exercise additional caution when it comes to that former flame during the Venus retro is that you also have the North Node of Destiny entering this house on May 8. The last time it was in here was 1983. The Nodes rule karma and the cycles of our lives. Lessons which repeat again and again until we learn to make different choices. If you lost a great love however, they can bring new a new one.
Love gets a fresh look from June 25 when Venus heads direct once more. You also have the second meeting between Jupiter and Pluto in Venus’s ruling 2nd on June 30. This house also rules relationships that you can ‘bank on’. Something or someone new may emerge but has a familiar feel for example. The start of August is a time to bring in exactly this kind of relationship for you as Venus and the North Node meet.
Who Moved My Mojo?
What just happened, Sag? One moment you were hot and then – you’re not. In fact, you may feel as if you’re off the radar invisible when it comes to attracting lovers, attention or anything that can make your heart beat even remotely faster. The culprit in September is Mars heading backwards in your 5th from the 10th. Like Venus, Mars retrogrades infrequently. But when it does we can feel our confidence and passion simply ebb away. Things appear lacklustre and too much effort. Again, this is not the time to go seeking a new love. Not only may you end up wondering what on earth you saw in them by the time Mars heads direct from November 14, the reverse also applies. You can end up missing out on someone wonderful simply because your own mojo isn’t working. Insecurities can surface which end up driving you apart. Or because you don’t feel a spark right away you reject them. Revive the love between you and your boo if you have one now. And if you don’t – revive that hobby or creative interest that used to fire you up instead of seeking it in human form.
Ride into 2021 Wit Jupiter
Jupiter and Pluto will make one final ‘the world is your oyster’ meeting on Nov 7. December sees Jupiter join Saturn in your 3rd and asks you to take an idea and discover just how far it will take you. Your birthday season this year hands you the gift of a mystery wrapped in an enigma. December 14 sees a new Moon appear in your sign and a total solar eclipse. This may be about a new beginning, launch or plan that you are not yet ready to reveal. Or one that you cannot yet see. You may be choosing to keep a few plans or secrets to yourself as we head into 2020. Or feel that someone else isn’t being quite as candid as they could be. This is all about wait and see.
Total eclipses mean we are totally in the dark or are ourselves, concealed within it. Which is it? There’s something alluring and mysterious about being the dark horse of the zodiac. Of waiting to reveal yourself and in choosing who you let in to your own little private world to get a glimpse of the real you. All that second house action this year should have shown you that not everyone is worthy of this. So, shore up that self-worth by choosing who you allow to ride wit you and Jupiter this year, Sag. You are the money to follow now.
In a nutshell: The smart money is on you now, Sag. Finances ease and 2020 should see an improvement in your cash, earning ability and self-worth. As ruler Jupiter invites you to ride wit me!
Capricorn Yearly Forecast 2020
Become your own success story Love is the asset you can bank on You’re the real deal for 2020, Capricorn!
It’s been 12 years since Jupiter last paid your sign a visit, Capricorn. If you were 18 or over back then, recall the opportunities the planet of expansion may have handed you. And what changed around your image, appearance or how people saw you. It’s been over 500 years since your ruler Saturn met Pluto in your 1st. So, as 2020 begins take it you have never ever experienced anything like this. Nor will you again. Time to reach higher and go further than you ever imagined possible.
Jan 12 sees the meeting between not just Saturn and Pluto, but also Mercury and Ceres occur. Mercury is all about the message – or in your 1st also the messenger. That’s you. Ceres rules the power of deal making and compromise. Knowing when to sacrifice something in order to get what we want. The other side may think they have won – but they haven’t. The next day sees the Sun arrive highlighting this. It’s time to follow your highest potential. Up, up, up as far as this can take you. To do this, you need to be sure of yourself and project confidence and above all, authenticity.
Your sign is associated with high climbers and the desire to summit and reach the top. Saturn as you know is all about karma and along with Ceres we have a real ‘reap what you sow’ moment as this dwarf planet is associated with harvest and the seasons. Pluto rules transformation and also demands ‘clean’ energy. Which may seem strange when we are talking about a planet discovered as we entered the nuclear age. But not when you think of the term ‘fallout’. So, opportunities open up and rewards are on offer like never before for those who have worked with integrity and self-authority. But those who haven’t will now experience the fallout of their past actions.
Just Do It!
Hierarchies will shift, fall and crumble as a result. Making either new structures or more room for a different kind of leadership at the top. Which basically translates into unparalleled opportunity for you to move on up. So be ready as 2020 begins. Project an aura of someone to be taken seriously. And above all, make things happen for yourself. Especially when we enter February and Mars arrives in your 1st. You feel the desire to take on something new which adds that element of passion to your life. You want to prove what you can do to others – and yourself! Your confidence allows you to make that move and not wait for doors to success open – but to push through barriers that stan between you and what you want.
Others cannot help but sit up and take notice now, Cappy. One of the best days of the year to go for what (or who!) you want occurs on March 19 when Mars and Jupiter meet. Simple dare to do something you might have hesitated over before. Ask for that raise, promotion or even commitment from someone. Take that trip you’ve been putting off simply because you felt nervous about taking it on your own. Or try that activity. If you are interviewing or pitching for business now, ask for the job or the order. You are the offer they can’t refuse. Also the universe is telling you that the time is now. You don’t need anyone’s permission to do this. Or to sit around waiting for life to begin when that partner turns up. Mars and Jupiter together tell you seize the day and make your own luck.
Keys to the Vault
Your ruler is on the move on March 22. It will pay you a brief re-visit during its retrograde in July. But once it heads direct again and re-enters your 2nd on Dec 17, it will not return to your sign for another 29 years. Saturn in your 2nd is going to be all about the keys to that vault. Not just money but those inner riches such as your abilities, talents and skills. It’s time to plan in the long term when it comes to your cash. Saturn tells you to take your money seriously. No matter how much or how little you have of it. Many astrologers harp on about how Saturn in the 2nd can restrict our income or require us to work much harder for it. But forget so many millionaires and billionaires are born with natal Saturn in the 2nd. Saturn asks us to care for our money, to be mindful of what we spend it on, and to value what we have. To put our resources to the best possible use. When we act like we are the guardians of our own personal vault, Saturn then rewards with more to put in that vault!
You can now put in motion a 2.5 year plan for long term financial stability. Invest in your future. Plus you have backing! Jupiter is the planet which rules the world of big business and major plans. Pluto rules the underworld where treasures are buried. These two will meet not once but three times in your 1st as 2020 unfolds. The first time on March 30, the second on June 30 and the final time in your sign for your lifetime on December 15, just days before Jupiter joins Saturn in your 2nd. Use these days to advance your personal success agenda. Especially if this involves important meetings or interviews with people in positions of power. You could just be handed the keys to riches ‘as above, so below’.
Retroactive Power
Aside from the usual Mercury mayhem we expect three times every year, we have two highly unusual retrograde cycles occurring in 2020 which we all need to pay attention to. The first occurs from May 13 until June 25 when Venus retros in your 6th of work and wellness. Like any retrograde, it doesn’t matter which house the planet goes backwards in. It is what it rules that matters. In this case your love life, partnerships of all kinds and even your enemies. So, when the planet of love is heading backwards, it follows that this is not a good time to start a new relationship. That is unless stops, starts and eventual disappointment is your thing. Repair the love during this period. Love for existing relationships to reactivate that feel-good factor. And love for that body. Nurture that precious self- but don’t over-indulge it.
Feeling meh about your day job is a common side effect of retro Venus in here. But did you used to love your job? Was it different to the one you are doing now? If so, do you need to look at going back to it? Venus wants you to love what you do and infuse it with creativity and beauty. Sure, that’s not always possible but look at where you can bring pleasure into simple tasks. And reassess that work situation if necessary.
Mars in your 4th is not a happy houseguest. The reason being this is a nurturing, emotional house and Mars is all about action. It does not want to cocoon on the couch or talk about its feelings. Mars retrograde in your 4th – another kind of roommate entirely. From Sept 10 until Nov 14 we have Mars retro in here. This can allow you to make changes to living arrangements without it becoming a battlefield. Mars backwards is all about planning and strategy rather than moving. Redecorate, renovate, clear your environment of anything no longer needed. If you do want to move, then clear the way to take action once Mars heads direct again. If you have been putting off doing something – such as taking to those you live with about doing more around the house for instance, you’ll find the direct approach works best. Whatever you do – don’t continue to hold on to resentments or feeling you are taken for granted. Mars retro in here tells you to speak up. You’re the voice of reason rather than letting things get to the stage where they boil over instead.
You and Others
Jupiter in your 1st can often work harder for you in love matters than Jupiter in your 7th. The reason being that Jupiter is helping you project a bolder, more adventurous and downright sexy vibe that boosts your ability to attract. It pumps up that confidence so you feel more daring and willing to take a chance. Because of this, you are less worried about the possibility of rejection or what others think. Saturn’s entry into your 2nd also lifts barriers and stops any lingering self-doubt or you being unduly cautious when it comes to going after what you want. Aside from avoiding the Venus retro cycle when it comes to starting something new, there are two other key periods you need to be aware of when it comes to past, present or potential partners. The first occurs on June 21 when we have a new Moon and Annular Solar Eclipse in your 7th.
This is the kind of eclipse that delivers that ‘ring of fire’ effect we see in so many eclipse images. You know eclipses plunge us into darkness. There is something we cannot see. In your 7th this revolves around someone opposite you. That squeeze, collaborator, friend or dare I say it, opponent. It does give you a ‘flash’ of insight which then vanishes as quickly as it came. It you have a sudden gut feeling around somebody, please heed it. Because eclipses reveal over time what you will find is that the truth will be exposed which confirms that thought. Hold on to it.
The time around this eclipse is therefore one where you should take things slowly if embarking on a new relationship. It tells you that someone may not be all they appear to be. Or that you may be unaware of the potential in the relationship. What is ‘hidden’ from you may not be bad. So, give people plenty of time and don’t necessarily instantly dismiss that potential suitor based on first impressions. Unless of course, the ‘flash’ of revelation is telling you they may not be what they appear.
Eclipse two on December 14 occurs one day before Saturn and Jupiter make a final meeting in your 1st, and is a total one. So, take it your are utterly in the dark as it occurs in your house of secrets. This could relate to a hidden opportunity or something deliberately concealed from you by someone. Saturn and Jupiter promise the revelation ‘in time’ and that also it is set to free you in some way no matter what is eventually revealed. You need to stay connected to that intuition, inner compass and unexplainable feeling. You may not yet have proof, but take it you are 100% right.
Reach higher for that love opportunity in 2020.
All this may sound serious and you by now may be feeling you have had enough of serious stuff! But wait as they say in the infomercials – there’s more. Or basically I’ve been saving the best until last. Saturn leaves you 1st for good re-entering your 2nd on Dec 17 while Jupiter follows just two days later. Throughout 2020 you’ve been able to reach for that higher love but now with both your ruler and Jupiter in here together, it’s all about love you can literally bank on for your future. Opening that vault in 2020 and on into 2021 is going to be all about knowing if your current love falls into this category, or it will send you one that is truly going to turn into the best investment your heart could make now. Bank on first yourself and your sense of worth and watch how the world agrees you’re right on the money when you come from your highest values. 2020 says: Yes, you CAN, Capricorn!
In a nutshell: That more brilliant, refined and successful version of you that you’re revealing in 2020 asks you to reach for your highest potential. It’s time to make your mark in both love and career. Yes, you CAN, Capricorn!
Aquarius Yearly Forecast for 2020
Discover the real dream you’ve been aiming for It’s opening night – not a repeat performance! Love has a date with destiny marked in your diary
Ready to explore some mysteries like never before, Aquarius? To explore the multiverse of possibilities that you may have been unaware of but nonetheless exist? To dive deep into the incredible being that is you and discover just what you are capable of? Or better yet, discover exactly what it is you need? All this is on offer for you during 2020 like never before. If you are willing to leave behind what you know – or think you know.
Secrets will be uncovered during this time so be prepared for world-reshaping revelations. Karma can be paid and then re-written. The past always contains the keys to our future once we are willing to see the truth it hides. You’ll be fearless in your pursuit of the truth especially when it comes to your higher purpose. This may involve confronting things within yourself or with regards to others than you may have not wanted to look at. Or even simply been in plain denial about. The fact is – the truth will set you free now and also open your eyes to an undiscovered country of real love and potential.
Head Back to Move Ahead
You’ve been dragged deeper within by the extremely ‘heavy’ 12th house weather in your chart which you have never experienced in your lifetime. Nor will again. Once in 500-year events take place peaking on January 12-13. Jupiter entered this house back in December. Jupiter always takes us on a journey. In your 12th you are heading into the great mystery. Discovering the magic of things which cannot be seen but nonetheless exist. And also the power that your past contains when it comes to reshaping your future.
January sees a destiny driving line-up which simply cannot be contained nor underestimated. You are after all, the sign of the future. You are being asked if you want the past to repeat or to step free of it once and for all. To own and author your own future. To do this you first have to go back and own the choices and decisions you have made which see you where you are in the present. You also have to stop the blame game if you have been sucked in to that. This is a new beginning like no other you have been ever offered before. Nor will be again. You will see this begin to arrive within weeks of January’s line up. Do the work and be ready.
Ancient ruler Saturn meets with Pluto in here for the first time in 500+ years on January 12. Also entangled in this meeting are Mercury and Ceres. The Sun reaches this point on the 13th and this promises one of the biggest revelations or exposures of something hidden you have ever experienced. With Jupiter and the South Node also in here but well away from this, take it that this is linked to karma, fate and escaping a cycle which has had you trapped.
This can even relate to family karma. Playing out a theme handed down from generation to generation that is not your own but an inheritance. All it ever takes to set yourself and everyone else free is for one person to recognise it and release it.
Secrets may surface now and if someone has been deliberately keeping something from you, this will now be exposed for all to see. Hopefully you yourself are not trying to keep a closet door locked. If you are, you won’t succeed as this cycle tells you everything that occurs is ‘for the good of your soul’.
Intuition and insight can re-shape your world. You may keep what surfaces to yourself however as this is the house of things we may acknowledge to ourselves but may choose not to share with others except professionals. Consulting a psychic, astrologer, psychiatrist, therapist, doctor, rabbi, priest or other professional may form part of this. Someone whose job it is to show compassion, wisdom and above all, keep your confidence.
Who is Helping? Who is Hindering?
Look to who is helping or hindering you in January and take it that whatever they are doing, you have done the same for them in the past or a past life. This is karma in action. It all must balance in some way now. People from your past as in lifetime may appear during this crucial time. Or you encounter people who trigger familiar themes for you. This is all about releasing you so please if something or someone feels familiar, think very carefully about repeating the past. Right now the past could represent a trap.
January is not the best time to begin a new relationship as a result. If someone new does appear, take it very slowly. Endings may feature and if they do, you need to understand that this is because time is up. Compassion, empathy and a universal outlook that everything occurs for a reason and at the right season may be necessary. If not for the other person then for yourself. Pluto represents power while Saturn demands not only accountability but authenticity. In other words, you can’t and should not fake forgiveness if that isn’t how you are feeling. This is all about owning what’s happening within. Yes, you can forgive in a karmic sense while still feeling angry in the here and now. Just remember this if January shows you something you would rather not have seen!
Knowing Me is the Key
No matter what, all this is designed to show you what you truly need by allowing you to re-frame the past within the context of the present. You are going to be given the gift that lasts and simply keeps on giving. It’s not something that you can show off publicly. But it is beyond price. Those revelations include suddenly seeing why you have made those previous choices. In love and in other areas. It exposes what I like to call ‘the dream behind the dream’. This is so in the future you don’t waste any more time. You are free to go directly to your dream. Your choices have been fuelled by a need that you may or may not be aware of. Until you know what that need is, you can only succeed despite it. But once you know what it is, you get it. To know it you have to first know yourself. It’s a puzzle wrapped in a mystery with an enigma for a bow.
Saturn Opens the Present for You
What do we say about ancient rulers? That they still apply. Modern day ruler Uranus will remain in your 4th of home, family matters and emotional and financial security for all of 2020. This is why some of those revelations I’m talking about my involve family karma or secrets, your career, your lifestyle and where you feel you belong. Or what you feel you are here to experience or achieve. Again, this comes from knowing yourself and understanding what it is you truly want. Saturn your ancient ruler now says – there’s now time like the present to go after it now you know what it is when it arrives in your 1st on March 22nd. It is joined by Mrs on March 30 and they meet on the 31st. The tells you, the time to go after what you want, to make those changes is now. This is your moment.
Play It Again, Sam. Play as Time Goes By
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world . . . The famous line in Casablanca has a retrograde ring to it. And not just any Mercury retrograde either as we are talking about past love. This is a Venus retrograde quote if ever there was one. The past could surface one more time perhaps to test you. Or perhaps to tempt you to play it again as Venus retrogrades in your 5th of lovers from May 13. This also happens as Jupiter retrogrades in your 12th from May 15. You also now have the North Node in this house. If there is unfinished business between you and another, destiny offers a chance to get your answers if you are wondering if it could still work. Or give you proper closure if not. Now is definitely NOT the time to begin a new romance. Not until after Venus heads direct from June 25.
Just days after the full Moon in your sign on August 3, Venus direct meets the North Node in here making this a day for love destiny. Aug 5 could see you meet the love of your life – or the potential to bring one into it. This is your house of children so relationships that have the potential to make you a parent, step parent, adoptive or foster parent could feature. As could making a lasting impression on someone who can open doors or offer you a ‘lucky’ break. Again, this is destiny at work. This could also be a reward for all that karma cleaning work you have been engaged in!
Step Out of the Wings and Back Into a Leading Role
If you have been working behind the scenes, this could see you emerging out of the shadows and into the spotlight of recognition and stardom once more. We have another highly unusual retro occurring in 2020 and that is Mars backwards in your house of business, communication and getting around. Between Sept 10 and Nov 14 you need to take your time and guard against rushing. Check and double check anything you send out there as mistakes can be made. Also think before you reply or react to anything that is said to you in turn. Especially on the internet. Sometimes no response is the correct one.
Mars retro in here allows you to see where action needs to be taken with regards to those ideas or business plans however. It allows a more careful, considered approach. This also applies to interviews. You see this as a two-way process as you weigh up whether or not that role truly gives you what you want. Mars retro in here doesn’t necessarily prevent progress. It’s simply the true progress of the slow burn.
Your Dress Rehearsal Before Opening Night
There’s one more thing you need to know before the year is out. This may well revolve around a friend, group, band, political party, club, association, network or cause. It could even relate to you, someone else and a big future goal of yours. As the total eclipse throws all of this into darkness on December 14 in your 11th. The very next day, Saturn and Jupiter have their final meeting in your 12th. What’s being hidden from you will not stay that way for long. For the present please keep hold of the following eclipse playbook rules: Choose your confidents carefully. Keep things to yourself if you have any doubts at all about someone’s ability to keep things in the vault. If you need to talk something through with someone and are uncertain whether your confidence will be kept, then confide in a professional whose job it is to maintain confidentiality. Anyone from your doctor to a psychic, therapist, accountant, lawyer or even your church leader. This is a two-way street. If someone confides in you, then lock this in the vault and throw away the key. If you fail to abide by this rule there could be serious consequences.
Saturn re-enters your 1st on Dec 17 with Jupiter hot on its heels two days later. Want to rule the world, Aquarius? All that delving and deep discovery should have handed you the secret to your future success. Which is knowing what it is you truly want. You don’t actually need to rule the world to have what you most want in the world. The simple truth is that all you need to know is what you want so you can get it. Once you do – well, it simply feels like you’re on top of the world. That’s the simple hidden truth for you to discover in 2020.
In a nutshell: The hidden secret to having what you want is yours to discover. Like many secrets it’s always been in plain sight. Receive the gift that keeps on giving in 2020, Aquarius. And sends you directly towards that dream!
Pisces yearly forecast for 2020
Radiate, scintillate, socialise and connect Others play a leading role in your destiny Goals, wishes and dreams enter the reality zone!
The future glows like a neon sign in the desert for you as 2020 begins, Pisces. When it comes to others, friends, groups, networks, bands, clubs, parties, associations it’s all looking like a major convention in Las Vegas. Who you know, knew, meet or will connect with will have the biggest impact on the direction your life is set to take. If you are a member of something larger than you – a political party or group lobbying for change, then you will find yourself caught up in a bigger destiny than your individual one. It’s who you know, not what. But it’s also about the collective too.
This is no time to be a hermit. It’s time to be a joiner. You’re part of something more important than just you. So, as January begins, if you have been thinking about getting involved in something or simply that your social life needs some major reviving, don’t just sit at home thinking about it. Also, accept every and all invitations to get involved that come your way. This isn’t about the power of one to make things happen, it’s about the power of the many or the crowd. And strangely enough this applies to your personal goals and dreams too.
Nobody Does It Alone
What’s that huge, inspired goal you see yourself achieving in the future, Pisces? Because in order to do it you need your team, entourage or cheer squad. Your followers, door openers or supporters. Even if your dream is to see that novel in print you need agents, editors and publishers to make it happen. And then people to buy and read your book. If your dream is a totally Pisces one of sailing around the world single handed you still need that yacht builder, possibly a backer and all kinds of people in-between from the coastguard to whoever is on the other end of your radio. Want to be an Instagram star? You got it – you need followers. January brings a seismic shift such as you have never seen in your lifetime – nor will again, around the people you need, know, are connected to or will meet.
Your destiny could be in the hands of others. But you control who you meet, connect to and also share those dreams and aspirations with. Friends in extremely high places can be made now. Possibly those with influence, a public presence or who have the power to make things happen for you. These may come from outside your usual social or professional circles which is why it is so important to accept entrée into any areas you have not ventured before.
Welcome to the Revolution
Inventors. Entrepreneurs. People whose ideas turn the accepted way of doing things upside down. Mavericks and revolutionaries are all ruled by your 11th. Are you one of them? Or in good company with them? Jan 12 sees a once in 500-year meeting occur between Saturn and Pluto in your 11th. Joined by Mercury and Ceres. The 13th has the Sun joining what is the biggest astro political and world shifting party any of us will ever experience. For you, it is going to be about who you meet, know, connect with and impress. Especially as Venus will enter your 1st the day after this happens. Pointing to the fact it’s not just the love of the people but this is all linked to that intimately personal goal you have for your future. You can connect to this now in the form of a person, group or organisation. To do so, ensure you are projecting the right image – one that embodies the future you. Beautifully. Consider any enhancements you make to your image or appearance a future-proof investment now.
Wishes and Dreams
Jupiter remains in your 11th until December. The planet of expansion and opportunity also promises at least one goal will come true via those you know, interact or deal with during this time. After the ground breaking events of mid-January, we will see this 11th house weather slowly begins to disperse in time for your birthday. March 22 onwards may see your focus shift slightly. From what has been going on in your outer world to what lies within or beneath as Saturn enters your 12th.
It’s been almost 30 years since Saturn last paid a visit to your house of secrets and depth defying truths. So, for many of you, this will be your first experience of Saturn in this house. Time to look at your beliefs around a higher power, karma or ‘what’s out there’. To discover your path or purpose. Don’t however spend too long reliving regrets or what might have been. Know if you now see you could have made a different choice in the past, that back then you were doing the best you could with the knowledge you had at the time. If you recognise this, then you have learned from it and it is time to move on.
If you find yourself unable to escape painful memories of the past, remember, Saturn represents the older, more experienced teacher or guide. Seek the help of a professional who embodies Saturn in person. A doctor, therapist, priest, healer or even a psychic or astrologer, who can help you heal and move past any wounds.
Back to the Future!
We have two important retrogrades happening this year which will allow us to revisit the past in a healthy way and reclaim what still works for us, while consigning what doesn’t firmly behind us. You’ll be a highly active participant in the first one which is Venus retrograde in your 4th. This occurs on May 13 which is the same day as Mars arrives in your 1st. Venus only retrogrades once every two years. Bear in mind that no matter what house this happens in, what Venus rules is now in limbo or going nowhere fast. In other words, your bank account and your love life. So, put that search for that new love on hold now until at least June 25 when Venus heads direct again.
That romance or new love potential really does need to be approached with a great deal of caution during this Venus retro. Because chances are, they may not be what they seem. You have an Annular Solar Eclipse occurring in your house of love affairs on June 21 – right when Venus is retrograde. An Annular Eclipse is the kind that gives us that ‘ring of fire’ effect you’ve probably seen in so many eclipse photos. As you know, eclipses tell us we are in the dark about something or someone. Annular eclipses have a ‘ring of truth’ about them – a flash of sudden insight which then vanishes again. So, if you experience this around someone, you need to stop and go no further for a while. If someone is trying to rush you, time to ask yourself what the hurry is? Wait for July and August and also October, as these are your best months for opportunities around love, romance or immersing yourself in pleasure, fun and good times.
This may also not be a time to take out a mortgage or loan or buy, sell, rent or lease property. Instead, look back at past loves which need to be reclaimed or simply consigned to the past. This can encompass somewhere you used to live even. Redecorating, renovating and upgrading your home now should bring you results you’ll love to live with.
The House Always Wins
The second important retroactive period happens when Mars retros in its ruling sign of Aries and your 2nd house from Sept 10. I made the analogy at the start of this reading about you heading towards the neon lights of Vegas. Mars retrograde in your house of cash, income, assets, possessions and self-worth is telling you that this is NOT a time to take chances or gamble. Because yes, the house always wins. Your ability to sell in yourself or your talents may not be at its best as Mars rules our confidence. This is also not a time to launch that new business or side hustle. Your impetus and energy may the at a low ebb.
I would also add please don’t loan anyone money unless you can afford to write it off and please, steer clear of pushy salespeople or ‘bargains’. Your ability to resist may also be compromised as Mars rules our boundaries. So, at this time it can be easy for us to be talked into buying something we don’t need or else being ‘sold’ a supposed good deal only to discover later it is anything but. Mars retro in here can have us looking at past sources of income or talents to earn more we can revive once it is direct again from Nov 14. Or we can use this energy to get a firm handle on those outstanding debts and implement a financial ‘action plan’ for the future that gives us better control of our cash.
Protect Your Reputation
Your career, public image, reputation, title and status asks you to keep a close eye on it. Whether you know it or not, you are being watched by people in positions of authority and influence. You have a new Moon in your house of public recognition, your partner’s status if you have one, your status if it is linked to them as in ‘Mr’ or ‘Mrs’, that title on your business card and just how you are seen and perceived by people in general on Dec 14.
You are your word, actions and deeds now. Under no circumstances promise more than you can deliver. Walk your talk and speak the truth. This new Moon delivers a Total Solar Eclipse so you are utterly in the dark now about something relating to your work, career, reputation or situation regarding you, your partner’s status or your partnership status, your job title or your actions and how they have been perceived. All you can do is act with total integrity now. Even if you suspect someone else may not be. If you get this feeling, then please heed it. I would add that eclipses are neither good nor bad. What is hidden within them can be an opportunity we are not yet aware of. We can be covertly assessed by the powers that be for our suitability for that big role or promotion for instance. But nobody has yet spoken to us about this. So, this is why at this time you need to stay aware of how you are coming across.
Playing for Keeps
Saturn moves back into your house of secrets on Dec 17 after one final door opening and wish granting encounter with Jupiter in your 11th on Dec 14. Again, this may relate to that opportunity you cannot yet see. Jupiter will follow Saturn on Dec 19 taking you on a journey into the mystic side of life. Over the next 12 months you can be handed tools and resources you never thought existed. You’re back at the table at that cosmic Vegas casino but this time with a winning hand as you tap into your secret power hidden within. Unleash it in 2021, Pisces.
In a nutshell: A year to dive in and join in, Pisces. Your destiny is determined by who you know – not what. Radiate, scintillate and connect. You could end up with friends in high places who propel you forward towards those dreams!
The post Your Horoscope Yearly Forecast 2020 – Life Changing Events! appeared first on Michele Knight.