And isn’t that what Christmas is all about? Spreading joy, making memories, showing your loving personality with others…..being a good Samaritan! Use these awesome ideas to make some really memorable, fun, and decorative Christmas baskets. Who said Christmas was only decorations and stuffing yourself with food?
These baskets are easy to create, and will definitely make that special person’s day! Read on to find out how to gift people physical bundles of joy.
1. You Scream, We Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream!
Credit: Onegoodthingbyjillee
Who said ice cream was just for the summer holidays? In my opinion, ice cream can be eaten at any time of the day. It’s the perfect treat on any day, whether you’re going through a breakup, casually rummaging through the fridge, or want to gift someone a delicious flavor! Plus it covers the three most important food groups: sugar, dairy, and happiness.
This DIY basket includes cones, chocolate syrup, sprinkles and other fun toppings like marsh mellows and nuts. What’s not to love about a basket with all the makings of ice cream? Plus it’s a great way to propose, so if you fellas out there are running out of ideas, ice cream, without a doubt is the way to a woman’s heart.
2. The Cooker Basket
Credit: Theglitterguide
Want to gift somebody a cute and functional basket? This thoughtful cooker basket will give your special someone an advantage over the Christmas feast! Complete the gift with a cookbook, some rare wine, and some custom napkins. It adds a bit of elegance to this already thoughtful gift. You’ll have moms eating out of your hand for a year after gifting them this unique basket. Until next Christmas when you have to top your own gift!
3. C-O-F-F-E-E Basket
Credit: Thetomkatstudio
Can I get an Amen for my coffee lovers out there? Do I have your attention? There’s no doubt coffee is pretty much as addictive as Marvel movies. This coffee basket will definitely entertain a crowd, and is perfect for the holiday season festivities.
Fill it with your favorite apple cinnamon, blueberry or warm banana nut muffins, as well as your favorite coffee beans, and mugs. This will warm your guests’ hearts in no time, making the holidays a lot more fun and filled with the taste of coffee of course. What’s Christmas without family time on the couch, a Christmas movie playing on TV, and a hot drink on hand?
4. Sweet and Savory Basket
Credit: CountryLiving
There’s no doubt that the contents of this basket will be gobbled up in about 5 minutes. The cause of this wonderful catastrophe? The rustic and visually pleasing cast-iron skillet that literally every woman wants in her household. It’s rustic, multi-functional and makes everything taste good.
Basically, the Iron Man of kitchen tools. Cook up a sweet and savory breakfast, with cute things like pie in the skillet, a jar of peach jam, and of course, some butter! No rustic meal is complete without butter! Calories be damned.
5. Easy Paper Plate Basket For Muffins
Credit: its always autumn
This really cute DIY muffin paper plate basket replaces the need for huge wooden baskets. Plus, you don’t have to run out to your local craft store. Use paper plates to make the basket, wrap a ribbon around it and call it a day. It’s the thought that counts!
6. Banana Bread, Honey Butter
Credit: JennySteffens
Did the title banana bread catch your eye? You’re not the only one! I’m a huge sucker for Banana nut bread. It’s a snack that gives you a warm feeling down to your toes, and can turn any rotten day much better. Banana bread and honey butter? Forget it, I’m set for life. I’m not leaving the couch anytime soon.
7. Sweet Tooth Basket
Credit: Prettyhandygirl
If you’re the type of person who adds sugar to normal food, because the level of sweetness ain’t cutting it, this basket is perfect! Gift someone with a sweet tooth this basket, as a gesture of appreciation for the sweeter things in life. OK, that pun was kind of intended. Fill it with caramel popcorn, chocolate kisses, filled truffles, and peppermints! Just in time for the holidays as well!
8. Elegant Popcorn Basket
Credit: CountryLiving
Can you hear the sleigh bells of Santa’s sleigh? No? Sorry guys, that’s just the popcorn popping! For popcorn maniacs like me where the butter has to be layered, and eating popcorn is an experience and not just a snack, this basket is delightful! It’s a crunchy surprise for the receiver, so go all out with the whole shebang. Include your favorite kernels, along with some cute Christmas greeting cards to really bring the festive mood.
9. Pop and Lock
Credit: Lilluna
Don’t recycle those soda pop bottles or old beer bottles! Wash them out, take out the labels and replace them with cute Christmas stickers, or personalized messages that can be stuck as labels on the bottles. Fill the bottles with types of candy, peppermints or whatever floats your boat. It’s a wonderful gift, and is perfect for families that are traveling or constantly on the go!
10. Spa Day at Home
Credit: Thediymommy
Perfect gift basket for any mom you know. There’s no such thing as a “deserving mom”. They’re all beyond comparison! Fill this basket up with spa goodies like soft hand towels, aromatic bath salts, refreshing face masks, and of course, a bunch of candles. Plus a few chocolates or goodies. Because why not?
11. The Ultimate Basket for Fathers
Credit: Forcreativejuice
Is your dad one of those people who can’t resist showing off on the grill? And insists grilling everything to show off his superior skills before realizing not every food item can be grilled? Like eggs. This gift is excellent for over-enthusiastic grilling fathers. This basket includes barbecue sauce, seasonings, and other items to fix up a grill!
12. Pedicure Gift Basket
Credit: Laura’scraftylife
This is honestly so cute, I’m pretty sure any woman on the planet in her right mind would love it! Not sure what to get your mom for Christmas, and want something sentimental but inexpensive? This will work in your favor. Especially if your mom just yelled at you for the 5th time for not cleaning your room, and you’re trying to get on her good side. Trust me, this pedicure “gift basket” will definitely let you off the hook for a week. No chores for a week? Yes please!
13. Peppermint Soap Basket
Credit: apumpkinandaprincess
If this doesn’t scream Christmas themed, nothing else will! Peppermint is pretty much the epitome of Christmas spirit. I mean, if there isn’t at least one candy cane or some peppermint candy somewhere in the house, it’s a crime against Christmas. Scrooge would be proud. This peppermint soap basket encompasses the spirit of Christmas. And peppermint.
14. Cupcakes anyone?
Credit: Notoygifts
I say cupcake, you say hell yes! Which kid doesn’t love cupcakes? Create this cupcake kit basket for those crazy kids running around the house. Because the sugar will definitely make them infinitely more energetic, so they won’t resemble children anymore. Just sugar hyped bouncing balls. This baking kit is affordable, comes with a few cupcake wrappers and one or two tools to help whip up some fluffy cupcakes. How cute is that?
15. Calling all Potter Heads
Credit: kookinwithkimberly
Know somebody who’s obsessed with Harry Potter? Are they also suffering from Harry Potter withdrawal since there aren’t any more books to read? We’re in the same boat. This gift will lift their spirits and stop the withdrawal symptoms. You know, like when they say Alohomora before realizing they require physical keys to open a door? Been there, done that.
16. The Sweetheart Box
Credit: Momsandmunchkins
This type of “basket” is great to give another couple, or your other half to relive all those nostalgic, memorable moments. Fill it to the brim with sweet treats like candy, chocolate, popcorn and of course a F.R.I.E.N.D.S. box set. If you’re really feeling fancy, add in a set of PJ’s to top off the sleepover vibe. If you’re giving it to your better half, add in a few cute love notes, because why not? You’re never too old for showing off how cheesy you are.
17. Candy Fever
Credit: Hometalk
Candy, quite honestly, is like a fever you can’t shake. Tootsie pops, starburst, skittles, oh the candy I could name and salivate over. Gift this unique and visually appealing basket to a fellow candy lover and watch their eyes literally light up. I would probably grab this basket from them before they even handed it to me! Because, hello! Candy!!
18. Fancy a cuppa?
Credit: DIYnetwork
Of course, no one can do tea like the British. I mean, American tea is kind of the knockoff version of the traditional tea if I do say so myself. Gift this elegant tea basket to a fellow tea lover. Fill it with items like biscuits, butter, jam, a kettle, and of course tea powder. Add a tea towel for a simple, yet decorative touch. Nothing says Merry Christmas more than a red and white towel!
19. Bend It Like Beckham
Credit: Giftbaskets4kids
Honestly, it’s times like this where I really appreciate how much though moms put into gift baskets like this. Include a tiny soccer ball, a whistle, a soccer-themed watch, and other cute soccer themed toys to really get your kid in the mood. This is also perfect to give out in batches, especially during the holidays for your kid’s soccer team! #Soccer Moms are the most creative
20. An Overload of Chocolate
Credit: Allthingstarget
I’m pretty sure you started paying attention after I said chocolate. I know I can’t outdo Joey Tribbiani in terms of how much I can eat, but I can certainly try to outdo him in how much chocolate I stuff into my mouth! Why go for a bar of chocolate when you can curl up on the sofa with a nice cup of hot chocolate? Gift this to a friend or loved one, and have no qualms about them liking it or not. There’s nobody on the planet who doesn’t like hot chocolate. Yes, I’m also including the coffee lovers here!
21. Italian Dinner for Two
Credit: DIYnetwork
When I was little, I always wanted to take a bath in spaghetti. Then again, I wasn’t the brightest. Because I also wanted to go round and round in the washing machine. Was anyone else as weird as me? No? Wonderful. After a long day of holiday shopping, making dinner seems like a monumental task.
This is one basket you can gift yourself and your neighbor, especially before the Christmas Eve/Day hustle involving long hours in the kitchen to prepare a feast. Include some rich marinara sauce, your favorite type of pasta, some classic Mozzarella, and of course….wine!
22. Christmas Morning Gift
Credit: Anightowlblog
I mean sure, it’s great to get presents from under the tree. But when someone delivers a basket full of goodies to your doorstep on Christmas morning, you’re basically guaranteed to have a good day. To quote Forrest Gump “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”
23. Shades of Candles
Credit: Insidethefoxden
Candles are my second favorite thing to smell, the first thing being my mom’s fabulous incomparable cooking. Include warm flavors like pumpkin spice and cinnamon apple. Pair these with refreshing scents of Christmas like peppermint bark and holly.
24. Cookie Basket
Credit: Thetomkatstudio
Whenever I watched Sesame Street, Cookie Monster was my idol. Seriously! Cure your friend’s winter blues with some freshly baked cookies and some cute, thought felt notes.
25. Winter Survival Kit
Credit: Onegoodthingbyjillee
Are you worrying about your kid at college, or your best friend who often forgets to take care of herself during the wintertime? Send her a mason jar of lip balm, moisturizer, tissues, coffee packets and notes telling her how much you care and how proud you are!
26. Natural Beauty Basket
Credit: Helloglow
Pamper that special someone with products that will enhance their natural beauty like moisturizer, towels, and face cream. A perfect gift basket!
27. The “Guy” Basket
Credit: Onegoodthingbyjillee
The perfect gift for your foodie friend! Stuff some of their favorite junk into a mason jar, and watch them eat everything except the jar.
28. The Burger Romance
Credit: Ithinkwecouldbefriends
Who said romance only had to involve cuddling, chocolate, cheesy movies, and wine? Gift your man with all the makings of a burger, and have the most memorable date night ever! Include all the condiments of course. This really gives meaning to “the way to his heart is through his stomach!”
29. Calling All The Marvel Fans
Credit: Storenvy
After Endgame, I can sincerely say that I’m suffering from a serious Marvel withdrawal. I mean, there’s only so much emotion one human can take. First Iron Man, then Black Widow? Gift your fellow Marvel crazed friend this basket to cure them of the Marvel bug.
30. Movie Night With a Kick
Credit: Ithinkwecouldbefriends
Uninterrupted. What an amazing word. When I have movie nights, I want everything around me, including food and drinks and company so I don’t have to get up at all! Perfect for date night, include a box set, your favorite snacks and some wine to top it off.
31. Orange You Glad That Christmas Exists?
Credit: Onegoodthingbyjillee
Forgive the pun, I was having an annoying orange moment. Fill up a mason jar with orange chewing gum, candies and soda, and gift this unique basket to someone special. Especially if they love orange. The sky is the limit!
32. Classic Wine and Cheese
Credit: Ithinkwecouldbefriends
Trying to impress a fellow colleague or teacher? Show off your wine and cheese expertise with a collection of goodies in one basket. Throw in some fresh loaves of bread to really show you care. And to show off your bread expertise too.
33. Taco Kit
Credit: darlingdoodlesdesign
There are days you wake up and want tacos. Then there are other days where you wake up and realize you don’t just want one, you’ll die for one. Cure those Taco Tuesday cravings with a friend, by making a basket with all the makings of a taco. With a cute label on the basket-like “Inhale tacos. Exhale negativity.”
34. Baby Basket
Credit: Fantabulosity
This basket is filled with awesome baby essentials to get you through those long long nights. Perfect gift for someone who just had a new baby.
35. Happy Housewarming!
Credit: Tastysouthernchic
As if you don’t already have something to celebrate, gifting someone this basket will make the house more….warm. OK, bad pun. But still, welcome your neighbors with a cute basket of towels, wine, and a small plant to welcome them.
36. The Frozen Basket
Credit: Makelifelovely
Include Elsa themed toys, some mints, and of course the Frozen DVD. This will make your kids excited to the point where they’ll start naming every snowball Olaf. If they don’t already.
37. The Book Lover Basket
Credit: Woodsofbelltrees
As a fellow book nerd and lover, this basket is seriously my dream basket as is the case with many other book lovers! Make a gift basket for your fellow book lover with a few novels, a blanket and of course some chocolate.
38. The Guest Basket
Credit: Happygoluckyblog
Although it’s always wonderful to have guests over during Christmas, it’s a little difficult to find personalized, meaningful gifts for them. Make this basket epic by including some cute water bottles, toothbrushes and of course some extra goodies like cookies and chocolate!
39. It’s Snowing Way Too Much!
Credit: Thediymommy
Make these baskets for those “snow day survival” days. Like when it’s so cold outside you wonder if you’ve suddenly moved to Antarctica. If you look out the window, you might see a penguin or two. This basket will help whomever you gift it too, with thoughtful items like cookies, hot chocolate packets, a blanket and lots of other goodies. The sky is the limit until the basket gets full!
All in all, Christmas baskets aren’t that difficult to create. Whether it’s for your other half, a friend or a neighbor, spread a little joy with baskets made of thoughtful simple items. Watch the Christmas spirit really manifest!
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The post 39 Fabulous DIY Christmas Gift Baskets appeared first on OffbeatBros.