There are two types of Absentmindedness.
1. Forgetting something that you did. "Where did I put my keys?"
2. Forgetting whether you did something at all. "Did I return the book to the library?"
If you find that you frequently forget something that you did (like where you put your keys), you could try to build a habit around that activity. For example you could install a hook or place a dish near the door where you always put your keys. If you get into the habit of doing this then you will always know where your keys are.
If you often forget whether you did something, you should pay more attention to yourself as you do certain activities. One way to do this is to speak your actions out loud: "I am returning the book to the library." Another way is to look around and notice something that you never noticed before. Maybe there is a pretty flower next to the library return slot, or maybe the handle has a rust spot on it. Noticing something about the activity will give your mind something to remember.
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